- A Historiographic Analysis of the Way of Rule by Law in P.R.C. 新中国法治历程的史学视角分析。
- To reinstate a rule of law: to reestablish rule by law. 恢复或重建法治。
- Role of virtue and rule by law supplement and promote each other. 法治和德治,是相辅相成、相互促进的。
- Machiavelli justified rule by force rather than by law. 马基雅维里的统治力量的理由,而不是法律。
- educational rule by law 表征方式
- Then the ultima aim of Rule by law is to satisfypeople"s desires and demands. 因而,法治在最终目的上是为了人类的欲望与需求。
- It is necessary to enhance the people's sense of law and concept of rule by law. 增强人们的法律意识和法制观念是很必要的。
- Rule by law is the result of contest of evils and desires, and the fruit of human nous. 法治是人类恶欲相争的结果,亦是人类理性思维的结晶;
- Choice of the Road of Ruling by Law: Experience or Formation? 法治的道路选择:经验还是建构?
- In the contemporary society of the rule by law,the legal education without doubt, is attached mote and more mportance. 在现代法治社会,法律教育越来越受到重视。
- Yet the long years of rule by law have made them dependent on decrees and Bans to know their Dos and Don'ts. 然而,长期的法治生活使得他们凡事都要通过法规和社会政策引导,知道该做与不该做。
- This paper focuses on the following three aspects: market economy, pubic administration and administrative rule by law. 因此,本论文拟从市场经济、公共行政和行政法治三个层面对行政审批制度改革展开综合性研究。
- Constitutionalism is the life of constitution while rule by law is the pith and marrow of constitutionalism. 宪法之生命在于宪政,而宪政之精髓则在于法治,惟法治之精神方可葆宪政生命之树长青。
- With the improvement of rule by law in China, how to manage university students also faces the request of rule by law. 摘要随着中国社会法治化程度的不断提高,高校学生管理工作同样也面临着法治化的要求。
- The modernization of rule by law in our country is closely related to People's Congr... 关注和建设社会主义法治国家,必须研究和加强社会主义民主政治的建设。
- This passage put forward some ways of training the belief of rule by law because of the sluggish. 试从我国现阶段法治信仰的滞后原因入手分析,提出了培养法治信仰的几种途径。
- Administrating by law is key to the rule by law, which expresses correctly the relation between administration and law. 摘要依法行政是依法治国的关键,是行政与法关系的准确表达。
- The role of law in moral building is, as so as morality role in ruling by law. 既要发挥道德在法治建设中的作用,又要发挥法律在道德建设中的作用。
- It is necessary to realize the limits of law when we hail “rule by law”. legislation cannot reform human nature. 但是,必须认识到法律的局限性,它无法改变人的本性。相反,教育和道德可以。