- educational history study 教育史研究
- Schooling has always been the focus of the study of educational history. 摘要学校教育一直是教育史研究的核心问题。
- Educational History: Where does It Lose Its Way? 教育历史:迷失在何处?
- Chahar history study is a weak point in the field of Mongolian history. 察哈尔历史研究是蒙古史研究领域中的薄弱环节。
- Rousseau and Dewey were as significiant as Plato in wester educational history. 摘要卢梭和杜威是西方教育史上与柏拉图齐名的、具有划时代意义的人物。
- She grinds away at history studies. 她在历史学习上下了很多功夫。
- He can't pass his history examination because he is detached from his history study. 他历史考试不及格,因为他对历史学习不感兴趣。
- So the art history study needs to be based on the combination of universality and particularity. 艺术史的研究应建立在普遍性与特殊性相结合的基准点上。
- It promotes the development of educational history by getting rid of its baldness image of annals. 同时也引发了一系列问题:美国教育史研究具有浓重的意识形态色彩,陷入了相对主义的泥潭。
- It is a adventurous sample that we introduce this theory to the Chinese history study. 是将“交往”理论引入历史研究实践之中的大胆尝试。
- It also remans its troditional education history now. 教育上,也有着历史悠久的优良传统。
- The origin of art, the change of art, the end of art, and the revival of art are the propositions of art history study. 摘要艺术起源、艺术流变、艺术终结和艺术复兴等,是艺术史研究中的诸多重要命题。
- He has strongly put forward the thought of" administration and pragmatism" to advance educational reform and it is very important in modern educational history. 他响亮地提出要用经世致用思想来促进教育改革,在近代教育史上有着重要地位。
- TOYNBEE regards the integrated civilization as a unit of history study, this has interpreted the theory of general and comprehensive historical study. 汤因比把整体性的文明作为历史研究的单位,进一步开拓了宏观综合治史的理论;
- Wang Lin, head of the bureau's landscaping department, said the government is planning to protect areas connected to the city's industrial and educational history this year. 城市规划局景观管理处的负责人王林介绍说,今年政府正在计划保护那些与城市工业、教育历史相关联的区域。
- Look our whole educational history, it is hard to reject the tuff situation in slowly development, long cold time, low social prestige and public recognition. 综观我国教育电视的发展,始终摆脱不了发展缓慢、冷遇期过长,社会知名度和观众认知度偏低的困境。
- The dualism of liberal vs vocational education seems very common in educational history. 摘要技职教育与博雅或通识教育长时间来一直处于二元对立。
- The unearthed bamboo slip book directly supplies the history study with abundant new data and it is of great importance to identify the real or false historic material and retrace the source of ancient books. 汉简兵书的出土,直接为研究历史提供了大量新的资料,对于辨别史料的真伪,追溯古籍的源流意义重大。
- Shen Yue applied God-man telepathy idea to the history study,and regarded sovereignty as providence. He explained historical phenomena from the aspects of negativity and positivity,misfortune and surprise. 又以天人感应思想思考历史,将君主受命视为天意,以阴阳灾异解释历史现象。
- Clients reiew information about the donors' physical traits and temperaments, their family and educational histories, and in some cases look at photos. 顾客可以查看供者的体质和气质、家庭和教育史,并且在有些情况下可以看到他们的照片。