- Good, perhaps is their educational mode not with mine appetite. 好吧,或许是他们的教育方式不和我的胃口。
- Undeniably, a wide scale application for such an educational mode is not accessible. 但是毫无疑问,这在一般的英语教学中是不可能实现的。
- They may help to transform educational mode from knowledge imparting to ability training. 从而有利于把人才培养模式从注重知识传授转向知识传授与素质培养并重。
- Methods We studied and introduced the educational mode of clinical postgraduate in orthodontics in Dental School of Adelaide University in Australia. 方法通过调研与考察,归纳、总结、介绍澳大利亚阿德莱德大学牙学院口腔正畸学专业研究生的培养模式。
- Sinicism education is known for its severeness and at the same time,it's lack of care,especially mother's educational mode in China. 中国式教育以严厉著称,多关注不足,特别是中国母亲的教育尤其如此。
- I'm not an educational mavin, but I guess that educational mode is supposed to make the students acceptable and interested in what they learn. 虽然我不是教育专家,但是我认为教育模式应该让学生们更容易接受并且让产生对学习的兴趣。
- Second, I will construe the western knowledge which taken into by the missionaries, then discuss the idiosyncracy of this education mode. 其次分析西学的涌入,及士大夫提出的“中体西用”这一近代教育的特质;
- Library education, an educational mode of self-study and reading assistance, possesses irreplaceably functional advantages. 摘要高校图书馆教育是一种“自主学习+阅读辅导”的自学教育方式,具有无可替代的功能优势。
- The first part is to straightly propose the connotation and basic features of the classified undergraduate jurisprudential education mode . 第一部分开篇明义地提出法学本科分类培养模式的涵义及基本特征;
- Therefore,we must make greater efforts to regulate educational mode macroscopically to speed up the cultivation of secretarial talents. 据此加大培养力度,从宏观上调整教育方式,有针对性地加大对秘书人才素质的培养。
- Modern Open &Distance Education is a education mode different from the common university education mode,which rely on student independence study. 远程开放教育是以学生自主学习为主的教育模式,它与普通高校的教育模式有着根本的区别。
- In virtuously teach can adopt science, reasonable, valid morals education mode to promote high school student the morals growth is very important. 在德育中能否采用科学、合理、有效的道德教育模式促进中学生道德成长十分重要。
- The setup of Professional Degree varied the graduate education mode, provided a new way to cultivate compensative human resource. 专业学位的设置改变了我国单一的研究生培养模式,成为我国培养复合应用型高级专门人才的重要途径。
- Objective To discuss the effect of improved health education mode on the prevention of uroschesis after hemorrhoid fistula operation. 目的探讨改良的健康教育模式对预防痔瘘术后尿潴留的作用。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信将使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- Building a school-rooted moral education mode of management which can reflect yucai students'independence, evolutionary with whole directions, whole members and whole range. 四、构建体现育才学生自主发展的全方位、全员、全程的校本德育管理模式。
- Canadian CBE mode is a Competency Based Education, which is suitable for China and a effective system for constructing Chinese higher vocational education mode. 加拿大的CBE模式以能力本位为核心,符合我国的国情,为我国高等职业教育人才的培养模式提供了可借鉴的构建方法。
- Methods:The developing history and service mode of clinical pharmacy,occupational value,qualified personnel training and education mode of pharmacists are reviewed and summarized. 方法:回顾我国临床药学的发展历程,总结临床药学的服务模式、药师的职业价值、人才培养和药学教育方式等。
- We must set clear objectives on Cultivation of Innovative Talents,slip the leash of traditional education mode,and implement the Strengthening Creative Education. 创新人才的培养,必须在明确创新人才培养目标的基础上,摆脱传统教育模式的约束,通过实施创新教育才能最终实现。
- Students' creative ability can be cultivated by transforming education mode,putting "three setups" education method into practice and standardizing teaching process. 采取了转变教育理念、实行“三段式”教学、规范教学过程等措施。