- A preliminary editorial note quoted Sir John Value as saying that there were no poets in America, and the publication of "Ephemera" was THE PARTHENON'S. 他从不运动,饿了,有东西可煮就煮一点,照章办事地吃下去;
- The editorial notes that the new government does not threaten Buddhism. 社论声明新政府不侵犯佛教。
- This article discusses the characteristics of language, style, function and developing trend of news criticism, such as in editorial, article of commentator, column review, editorial note, essay and news review, and so on. 社论、论员文章、栏评论、者按、文、新闻述评等评论文体在语言、格、用、展趋向等方面各有特点,社论体现权威性,评论员文章灵活轻便,专栏评论面向业余作者,编者按短小精悍,杂文嬉笑怒骂,述评有机融合新闻与评论。
- Cardiac toxicity was minimal in both groups, the editorial notes, adding that this is a major aderse effect of trastuzumab. 两组的心脏毒性都很小,评价指出,且指出对于曲妥珠单抗来说是主要的副作用。
- "The end of the decline in NTD (i.e., spina bifida and anencephaly) prevalence in Puerto Rico in recent years is a cause for concern," an accompanying editorial notes. 一篇伴随而来的编辑评论指出,波多黎各近几年来,NTD缺损的结果(例如脊柱分裂和无脑症)已经引起关注;
- I am on the editorial staff of the newspaper. 我在这家报纸的编辑部工作。
- I have been hooked in for an editorial. 我硬被拉去写一篇社论。
- Let me note down your address and telephone number. 让我记下你的地址和电话号码。
- The editorial is entitled "... ". 这篇社论的题目是《。。。》。
- The editorial lashed out at official corruption. 那篇社论猛烈抨击官场的腐败。
- The old pound note is no longer legal tender. 旧制的英镑纸币已不是法定的货币了。
- Can you change a five-pound note? 你能换开五英镑的票子吗?
- Take note of what I say and do not forget it. 注意听我的话,不要忘记。
- I will make a note of that man's name. 我会记下那个人的名字。
- She sounded a note of warning in her speech. 她在讲话中表示要引起警惕。
- Henry's note to his father was short and sweet. 亨利写给父亲的信简明扼要。
- Make a note of how much money you spend. 你花了多少钱,要记下来。
- I have made a lot of editorial changes in their book. 我在他们的书上做了许多编辑上的修改。
- Here's a five-pound note-- you can keep the change. 这是五镑的钞票--零钱不用找了。
- I can send him a note via the internal mail system. 我可以通过内部通信系统给他发个通知。