- editing exonuclease 校正核酸外切酶
- The editing of the manuscript is now in hand. 这部手稿的编辑工作现在已经开始。
- He spent all morning editing the book. 他整个上午都在编写该书。
- He edit a daily paper before he come to teach at our college. 他来我们学院任教之前充任过一份日报的主编。
- He spent his last years (in) teaching and editing earlier writings. 他把晚年用在教书和编纂以前的著作。
- The editing of film or recording tape. 剪辑电影的剪辑或音带的录制
- I spent two days writing and editing the piece. 我花了两天时间来写作、编辑这篇文章。
- Do you have any experience in editing a newspaper? 您有编报纸的经验吗?
- Have various editing and broadcasting functions. 具有多种编辑和播放功能。
- Are you busy editing a picture book for children? 你在忙着编辑一本孩子们看的图画书吗?
- How is it different from editing live action? 这和指导现场拍摄的电影有什么不同呢?
- I have extensive writing and editing experience. 我有非常丰富的写作和编辑经验。
- He used to edit the China Daily. 他曾任《中国日报》的主编。
- He's editing a book of essays by Isaiah Berlin. 他正在编辑一本艾赛亚 伯林的散文集。
- They are going to edit books for use in school . 他们准备编辑学校用书。
- Two girls were chosen to edit the class bulletin . 选了两个女孩主编班级小报。
- Can you explain to me how film editing works? 你能象我解释电影编辑是怎样一个工作吗?
- Object representing the editing control type. 属性设置为表示编辑控件类型的。
- Gets the type of the cell's hosted editing control. 获取单元格的寄宿编辑控件的类型。
- The page layout opens for editing. 该网页布局将会打开以供编辑。