- By doing so it will provide a powerful tool to private governance systems, such as might be established by renegade ethnic groups, or the "edge cities" proliferating near the world's megacities. 这么做,会为私有统治系统提供强有力的工具,比如,私有统治系统可能由背叛民族,或者世界大都市附近迅速增长的“边缘城市”建立。
- The edge-searching-based ACO can enhance the searching efficiency by limiting the ants starting searching from the edge cities and speedup the calculating by reducing the number of ants. 该算法通过限制蚂蚁的起点城市,提高了蚁群算法的搜索效率;并通过减少蚂蚁数量加快计算速度。
- With good inhabitancy environment and perfect city function, the edge city represents a new trend of suburb development in 1980s in America. “边缘城市”代表了80年代美国城市郊区开发的新趋势,具有良好的人居环境和完善的城市功能。
- D.Paterson &Connery K., 1997, Reconfiguring the edge city: the use of ecological design parameters in defining the form of community. 王智圣,2002,都市公园生态空间特性之研究-以台南市公园鸟类为例。
- Due to the important geographical location, history sent a large number of troops stationed, was also built in the Ming Dynasty Stone City, calling it a "very edge City. 到了清代,翡翠的加工、销售业已十分兴盛,现在,翡翠的加工、交易空前活跃,商业贸易、旅游等行业日益兴盛,“翡翠城”正以崭新的面貌吸引着海内外和客商。
- The factory is situated on the edge of the town. 这座工厂坐落在该城的边上。
- The hotel is situated at the edge of the town. 该饭店坐落于市区的边缘。
- The plates and bowls have a gilt edge. 这些盘子和碗镀有金边。
- He is all on edge to have a look at it. 他急于想看一看那个东西。
- New York is among the largest cities in the world. 纽约是世界上最大的几座城市之一。
- She was a bit on edge till she heard he was safe. 她听到他安然无恙才放下心来。
- John ran to the edge of the lake and plunged in. 约翰跑到湖边,跑进了水里。
- That long walk has put an edge on my appetite. 长距离的步行后使我食欲大增。
- Since 1980s,America has entered the phase of post-industry urban development,which has brought the newly built urban formation of both "edge city" and "edgeless city". 20世纪80年代以来,美国进入"后工业"社会城市发展时期,产生了"边缘城市"与"无边缘城市"等城市空间新类型,同时也面临资源、居住和社会经济等方面的问题。
- Parks are a great boon to people in big cities. 公园对大城市的居民是大有裨益的设施。
- Please sharpen the edge of this axe. 请把这把斧头的刃磨快。
- London is among the greatest cities of the world. 伦敦是世界上最大的城市之一。
- The edge must be machined to 0.02 millimeters. 这边缘必须切割到0.;02毫米的精密度。
- London is amongst the greatest cities of the world. 伦敦是世界上最大的城市之一。
- A falling board struck him edge on. 一块木板掉落时,侧边打在他身上。