- ectasia of neck veins 颈静脉扩张症
- Including deep fascia of neck and musculas p... 包括颈阔肌、颈深筋膜的彻底松解是手术成功的关键。
- Of neck edge vertebral painful, what method is treated? 脖子边的脊椎痛,有什么办法治疗?
- Methods Retrospectively analyze 819 cases time intra neck vein tube fixings between 2004.6-2007.8. 方法回顾分析2004年6月-2007年8月的819例次颈内静脉穿刺置管的固定方法及效果。
- The neck veins on both sides were engorged.Her heart rate was 60/min with a fairly regular rhythm, but with very weak heart sounds. 双侧颈静脉怒张,心律尚齐,心率60次/分,心音极弱。
- Clinical findings may include dilute urine, tachycardia, distended neck veins, shortness of breath, pulmonary rales, and possibly left ventricular failure and pulmonary edema. 其临床表现有尿液稀释、心动过速、颈静脉怒张、呼吸急促、肺部啰音,还可能出现左心室衰竭和肺水肿。
- Methods:We took blood samples from the small veins under the skin of neck of rats,and measured the blood-agglutinating time by slide method directly. 方法:从大鼠颈部皮下小静脉取血,采用玻片法直接测定血凝时间。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- Well arched, with nape of neck widening gradually toward body. 颈部略拱,逐渐变宽,与身体结合。
- Engorged face and neck veins. 面部或颈部血管明显。
- A mouse has the same number of neck vertebrae as a giraffe. 老鼠和长颈鹿的颈椎骨数目相同。
- Methods Cheek pouch of the golden hamster was pulled out and a piece of glass was set into it.Protamine was then injected into neck vein to neutralize the antithrombotic function of endothelial cells. 方法将仓鼠颊囊外翻后内套入玻璃片,从仓鼠颈静脉注入鱼精蛋白中和内皮细胞抗血栓功能,再注入凝血酶,显微镜下可见明显的血栓形成。
- All she could see, when she looked down, was an immense length of neck. 她朝下一看,只能看到一条极长的地峡。
- A vein of gold was seen cropping out. 可以看见一条金矿矿脉露出地面。
- He crane his neck to get a glimpse of the parade. 他伸长脖子看了看游行的队伍。
- He kissed her on the nape of her neck. 他亲吻她的颈背。
- medullary ductal ectasia of kidney 肾髓质管扩张
- Soak a hand towel and microwavefor two minutes until steamy. Place on back of neck, on face or computer-achy hands. 湿毛巾用微波炉加热两分钟,让它变得热腾腾的,然后敷在后颈、脸上或因为操作电脑而疼痛的手上。
- Vascular ectasia of small intestine 小肠血管扩张
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?