- ectasia iridis [医] 虹膜移位
- Regression of rubeosis iridis seas 70.4%. 虹彩新生血管消退者佔70.;4%25。
- Duct ectasia is characterized by distention of subareolar ducts. 导管扩张以乳晕下导管的扩张为特征.
- The bronchiectasis show cystiar or cylindroid bronchial ectasia. 支气管扩张10例,表现为囊状及柱状扩张。
- The more type was in 138 ducts(mammary ductal ectasia 94.9%). 多支型138支,导管扩张占94。9%25;
- Neovascular glaucoma or rubeosis iridis developed in five eyes (83%). 有五个病例(83%25)发生新生血管性青光眼或虹膜新生血管。
- Objective To explore the diagnosis and treatment of mammary duct ectasia. 目的探讨乳腺导管扩张症的诊断与治疗。
- Isolated coronary artery ectasia is not benign and must be carefully monitored. 单纯性冠状动脉扩张不是良性病变,必须小心监控。
- The proband exhibits congenital severe sensorineural hearing loss, heterochromia iridis and facial freckles. 其他家系成员除一名仅表现为先天性耳聋外, 均表现为颜面、上肢雀斑和/或早白发。
- Coronary angiography showed triple-vessel disease, coronary artery aneurysms, and diffuse ectasia. 冠状动脉摄影显示三条冠状动脉疾病,冠状动脉瘤和冠状动脉扩张。
- Conclusion ERG testing by a fairly high level flash intensity can be used for patients with glaucoma and synechia iridis. 结论一定强度闪光可用于青光眼患者和虹膜粘连患者的erg测定。
- Objective To investigate the clinic characteristics and treatment methods of coronary ectasia. 目的探讨老年人冠状动脉扩张症的临床特点及治疗方法。
- Objective: To determine the high frequency ultrasound imaging features of mammary ductal ectasia (MDE). 摘要目的:通过分析乳腺导管扩张症的高频超声表现特征,提高超声医师对该疾病的认识。
- But it may increase postoperative complications such as anterior chamber fibrin formation, posterior synechiae and rubeosis iridis. 但术后前房炎症反应、虹膜后粘连、虹膜新生血管及眼压升高等并发症较高,需严格掌握手术适应证。
- Objective:To study the diagnostic methods of mammary duct ectasia after operation. 目的:探讨乳腺导管扩张症的术前诊断方法。
- Distributing type of mammary duct:The whole type was in 36 ducts(mammary ductal ectasia 100%). 乳导管分布分型:全支型36支,其中导管扩张占100%25;
- Objective:To evaluate coronary artery ectasia with myocardial ischemic relations. 目的:研究冠状动脉瘤样扩张与心肌缺血的关系。
- Conclusions:The coronary artery ectasia is also a main reason that myocardial ischemic、electrocardiogram to change. 结论:冠状动脉瘤样扩张也是心肌缺血、心电图改变的主要原因。
- Conclusion:The patients suffering from cataract with synechia iridis posterior should be operated and implanted intraocular lenses.The effect is reliable. 结论:并有虹膜后粘连的白内障应施行手术治疗,并可植入人工晶体,术后效果可靠。
- I ts primary basic pathologic change is mammary duct dilation.S o it is called mammary duct ectasia is more rational. 从该病的病理发展过程看,这些命名只是反映了该病不同阶段的病理表现,最根本的病理变化是乳腺导管扩张,因此以乳腺导管扩张症命名最合理。