- Produce the large-scale, Gao Shuiping of base only, ability is right of dragon economy run generation to be propped up strongly. 只有生产基地的大规模、高水平,才能对龙型经济的运作产生强有力的支撑。
- Recently,with the DCS increasingly mature,run optimize software which based on new control and manage theory, is applied in produce process gradually popularized. It turn DCS into a general network with safety and economy run,control,manage. 近年来,在分散控制系统日臻成熟的基础上,以新的控制和管理理论为基础的运行优化软件,在生产过程中逐渐推广使用,使分散控制系统逐渐变成一个集安全经济运行、控制和管理的综合网络。
- This is disturbed directly not only and of cloggy socialist economy run normally, and the health that is sure to affect the generation person that regards economic activity as main body grows. 这不仅直接干扰和妨碍着社会主义经济的正常运作,而且必将影响作为经济活动主体的一代人的健康成长。
- Chinese leaders told ASEM that their priority was to keep their own economy running smoothly. 中国的领导人们,告诉亚欧会议,他们的优先权将会保持他们自己的经济平滑地运行。
- The current that economy runs this year will be " the raise after oring first " . 今年经济运行的趋势将是“先抑后扬”。
- Be in our country, governmental effect is more apparent, nowhere did not hit the contrail that economy runs deeply governmental brand. 在我国,政府的作用更加明显,经济运行的轨迹无处不深深地打上了政府的烙印。
- Credit is ethic, it is the important sign of modern culture, it is economic resource more, it is the strong point that economy runs normally. 信用是道德规范,是现代文明的重要标志,更是经济资源,是经济正常运行的支撑点。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。
- The ad-rate is the important part of the running cost of the modern corporations. The level of pricing ads is an important factor that makes the entire economy running smoothly. 广告费用是构成现代商业企业运营成本的重要组成部分,广告定价水平是事关到整个经济环境顺畅运行的重要因素。
- Since Deng Xiaoping initiated economic reforms three decades ago, the party's legitimacy has relied upon its ability to keep the economy running at breakneck pace. 自三十年前邓小平启动经济改革以来,中共执政的合法性一直依赖于其保持经济火速增长的能力。
- To at present preliminary already formed have Yiante to be produced lubriciously, add, the industrialization that sells one continuous line to expand goose economy runs mode. 到目前已初步形成了具有依安特色的产、加、销一条龙发展鹅经济的产业化运作模式。
- Market economy is the floorboard that goods economy runs, implementing market economic system is the objective need that contemporary socialization produces progress greatly. 自然资源的潜在优势转化成现实商品优势的前提条件是市场的发展与发达。市场经济是商品经济运行的总称,实行市场经济体制是现代社会化大生产发展的客观需要。
- Antimonopoly law is devoted to restore free competition.It’s in favour of economizing resource and generating efficient market-directed economy running. 反垄断法致力于恢复自由竞争,有利于资源的有效配置和市场经济的有效运转。
- Case pedagogy is the teaching method that a kind of mental agitate, viewpoint collides, be used extensively in the teacher and student that economy runs kind of major. 案例教学法是一种脑力激荡、观点碰撞的教学方法,在经济管理类专业的教学中被广泛采用。
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。
- The local economy is now in a mess. 当地的经济现在很混乱。
- The economy should be shaped to a new pattern. 经济应该适合于一种新的模式。
- Technology is a booming sector of the economy. 技术是一个迅速发展的经济部门。
- Early economics was firmly tethered to the libertarian presumption that individuals should be left to their own devices because their selfish choices will result in the economy running efficiently. 早期的经济学执著于自由主义的假设,相信应该放任个人活动,因为个人的自私选择,将导致整个经济有效率的运作。
- The state of the economy is very worrying. 目前的经济状况令人十分担忧。