- The economy of the country is at a low ebb. 该国的经济处於衰退阶段。
- The economy of the country is not viable. 这个国家经济是难以维持的。
- Can Economy of Indian exceed China? 印度经济能够超过中国吗?
- economy of hinterland 腹地经济
- He had an organized economy of movement. 他的动作有条不紊,干净利落。
- The economy of the country was at a low ebb. 该国的经济处於衰退阶段。
- The economy of this country is steady. 这个国家的经济稳定
- Market economy is an economy of efficiency. 市场经济就是效率经济。
- New economy is not merely an economy of technology. 新经济不仅仅是科技经济。
- A lever is a tool with the economy of force. 杠杆是一种省力工具。
- Wenzhou Port as the multifunctional hub port in South Zhejiang province has given important support to the development of hinterland economy growth. 作为浙南地区多功能综合性枢纽港和对外开放口岸,温州港为腹地经济的发展作出了较大贡献。
- A lever is a toole with the economy of force. 杠杆是一种省力工具.
- Therefore, economy of scale can be pursued. 因此,刻度的经济能被追求。
- For economy of space, I shall not go into details. 为了节省篇幅,恕不一一缕述。
- The crisis set back the entire economy of the capitalist world. 这次危机使资本主义世界的经济全面衰退。
- We are the representative radiated land of hinterland of the Yangste Delta and acceptance of development and open of the Pudong of Shanghai city. 地处长江之滨的文化历史名城常熟,人文地理条件十分优越,水陆交通便利,是典型的长江金三角腹地和接收上海浦东开发开放的辐射地带。
- The crisis turn back the entire economy of the capitalist world. 那次危机使整个资本主义世界的经济全面衰退。
- The economy of our country has leapt forward in recent years. 近年来,我国的经济飞速发展。
- The economy of the country has certainly taken a knock this year. 国家的经济今年肯定受到挫折。
- I don't think they can cut up the economy of our country. 我认为他们没有能力摧毁我国的经济。