- Was committed to the goal of Black economic independence. 致力于黑人经济独立的目标。
- This will inspire them to further efforts to win economic independence. 这将鼓舞他们进一步努力去争取经济独立。
- Women's economic independence has promoted their status in the family. 妇女经济的自立促进了妇女家庭地位的改善。
- Without economic independence, no country can achieve complete independence. 没有经济上的独立,一个国家的独立是不完整的。
- Economic independence would develop in the context of the liberation of all oppressed people. 经济独立,将在全体被压迫人民解放的总过程中得到发展。
- In practice, however, oil and gas resources offer local people the most plausible route to economic independence. 然而,实际上石油和天然气资源给予了当地人最合理的经济独立的路径。
- With her great efforts Alexandra attains finally not only spiritual independence but also economic independence. 第二部分阐述了亚历山德拉通过自身奋斗获得精神独立和经济独立的过程。
- With more premarital and extramarital sex, more economic independence, more divo rce and more serial marriage, the future of marriage is uncertain. 婚前和婚外的性关系愈来愈多,妇女经济上独立、离婚和多次结婚的现象也愈来愈多,婚姻缺席确实也处于风雨飘摇之中。
- The reasons that created noble bachelorhood is the economic independence, selflessness and emotions. 单身贵族产生的原因在于经济上的独立、人格上的独立以及感情上的独立。
- Without political independence, you can't begin to talk about economic independence. 没有政治上的独立,就谈不到经济上的独立。
- Some social commentators believe that a woman's economic independence lessens her desire to get hitched. 一些社会评论家认为,一个女人的经济独立,缩小了,她渴望结婚。
- With more premarital and extramarital sex,more economic independence,more divo rce and more serial marriage,the future of marriage is uncertain. 婚前和婚外的性关系愈来愈多,妇女经济上独立、离婚和多次结婚的现象也愈来愈多,婚姻缺席确实也处于风雨飘摇之中。
- In America's ideal of freedom, citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence, instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence. 个人是如此;国家亦是如此.;公民和国家的尊严同样来自经济上的独立与强大
- In America's ideal of freedom, citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence, instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence. 在美国的自由观念中,公民享有尊严和经济自立的保障,而不是挣扎在生存的边缘。
- Their renditions, influencing factors, and economic independence are closely associated with their ability and personalities. 实现经济自立应具备的条件、影响因素及其典型经济自立者的特征主要以能力和性格为主。
- In America\'s ideal of freedom, citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence, instead of laboring on the edge of subsistence. 在美国的自由观念中,公民享有尊严和经济自立的保障,而不是挣扎在生存的边缘。
- Edna presents her awakening by resisting the conventional womanhood, experimenting with the role of artist-woman,and claiming her sexual independence and economic independence. 同时,艾德娜在逐渐觉醒,体现在她对传统的女性角色不满,尝试“女艺术家”角色,坚持性独立、经济独立等方面。
- In old China,women,who accounted for half of the nation's total population,not only suffered class oppression,but also had no right in the family,because of failure to gain economic independence. 在旧中国,占人口半数的妇女不仅受阶级压迫,而且由于经济不能独立,在家庭中处于无权地位。
- U.S. aid was important to this recovery, but these nations needed export markets -- particularly the huge U.S. market -- in order to regain economic independence and achieve economic growth. 美国的援助对这种恢复固然重要,但这些国家需要出口产品市场,尤其是巨大的美国市场,才能重新获得经济上的独立和实现经济的发展。
- It successfully shaped a new bourgeois woman Jane Eyre.It concentratively depictured Jane's fight for women's economical independence and the rights for equal love. 它成功地塑造了新型的小资产阶级女性简爱的生动形象,集中描写她为谋求妇女经济独立和爱情平等权利而进行的斗争。