- The Economic Man Model of the Accountants'Professional Ethics and the Classification Analysis 财务人员职业道德的经济人模型及其归类分析
- The overflowing of economic man hypothesis has led to a serious moral crisis. 摘要“经济人”理念的泛化引发了严重的道德危机。
- In governance of modern company, there is the game between client and agent, both have the attribute of economic man. 在现代公司治理中,同样存在具有经济人属性的委托人与代理人之间的博弈。
- The civic nature of constitution is freedom, equality, rationality of economic man and rationality of society. 摘要宪法的市民性就是自由、平等、经济人理性和社会理性。
- The farmer whose target is to maximize the revenue is the economic man in the market economy. 市场经济下的农户是经济人,其行为目标是为了追求家庭收入的最大化。
- It can be said that this is more than one lose situation, every rational economic man is unwilling to see. 可以说这是一个多输的局面,是每一个理性经济人都不愿意看到的。
- Economic man that pursues his/her own proper interests is the microcosmic basis of market order. 追求自身正当利益的“经济人”是市场秩序的微观主体;
- "Economic Man" idea is a premiss of the mostly schools of the west countries to make their point, such as Classical Liberalism, Utilitarianism and New Liberalism. “经济人”思想是西方国家大多学派如古典自由主义、功利主义和新自由主义等的立论前提。
- As economic man, when estimating auditing materiality level the auditor and accounting firm are leaded by the aim of maximizing profit. 审计人员和会计师事务所作为经济人,在估计审计重要性水平时必然受到利润最大化的制约。
- The epochal advance in management is that managerial emphasis shifting from “Economic Man” to “Social Man”, from managing resources to human. 从“经济人”到“社会人”、从强调对物的管理到重视对人的管理是管理领域划时代的进步。
- Agency theory based on the hypothesis of economic man and corporate governance guided by the theory bring about lower governance efficiency. 基于经济人假设的代理理论及其指导下的企业治理实践产生了一个低效的治理效率。
- "The economic man" pursues the egoism behavior criterion, while "the moral man" pursues the altruism behavior criterion. 摘要“经济人”奉行利己主义行为准则,“道德人”奉行利他主义行为准则。
- Chinese farmers have changed from natural man to rational economic man gradually in the tide of the market economy,which is no longer “bolar man” in the traditional sense. 中国的农民在市场经济的大潮中也逐渐由自然人转变为理性经济人,而不再是传统意义上的“泥腿子”。
- Starting from the existence of Economic Man, this article analyzes the reasons for us existence, criticizes its rampancy, and finally proposes the way for its existence. 文章从“经济人”的存在入手,分析“经济人”存在的合理性,批判“经济人”的泛化,最后提出“经济人”存在的合理方式。
- Amartya's thought is the denial of "economic man" hypothesis.It enlightens us to pay more attention to the ethic problems while discussing the economic problems. 森的发展现启示我们对经济问题的讨论中要重视伦理,是对“经济人”假设的否定和对实质自由价值的充分肯定。
- Starting from the existence of Economic Man,this article analyzes the reasons for its existence,criticizes its rampancy,and finally proposes the way for its existence. 文章从“经济人”的存在入手,分析“经济人”存在的合理性,批判“经济人”的泛化,最后提出“经济人”存在的合理方式。
- From the "rational economic man" point of view, there is only one reason to convincingly explain the choice of Internet cafe owners, that is, high operating costs. 从“理性的经济人”的角度,只有一种理由能够令人信服地解释网吧业主的选择,那就是经营成本过高。
- At the Gucci show, men modelled white trousers accessorised with a shiny, black belt. 在“古琦”展秀上,男模就是身穿白裤,配了一条闪亮的黑色皮带。
- Plenty of ideas about "social man" and "self-actualizing man" are enabling it to be "new economic man", which is sharply different from classical "economic man" in essence. 硬环境与软环境,有形环境与无形环境的融合,蕴含了丰富的“社会人”、“自我实现人”的思想,本质上已区别于以往时代的“古典经济人”,成为“新经济人”。
- On the Actor of Man Model offered a Reward Advertisement 论对人型悬赏广告之行为人