- These factors not only destruct the US-China balance of economic trade seriously, but also obstruct the development of economic trade relationship. 这些因素不仅造成了中美贸易的严重失衡,而且阻碍了中美经贸关系的发展;
- I'd like to take this chance to deliver some my cracker-barrel opinion to everybody for reference,that is about the future for the development of economic trade relationship between China and England. 我愿借此机会;就中英经贸关系的发展前景;发表自已的一些不太成熟的看法;供各位参考.
- Thus the economic trade relationships were established along with the development of the Silk Road.Since the Song Dynasty, Khotan had been on friendly terms with China. 宋代以来,于阗始终保持着与中原的贸易往来,西夏控制河西后,于阗向宋朝的贸易路线发生巨大变化,于阗和宋朝的贸易受到一定影响。
- economic trade relationship 经贸关系
- As is known, we set great store by the trade relationship with the third world countries. 众所周知,我们十分重视同第三世界国家的贸易关系。
- Yet our financial relationship is disproportionate to our economic and, in particular, our trade relationship. 然而,我们区内的金融关系却跟我们相互的经济关系,尤其是贸易关系并不相称。
- We are writing to you with a view to establish trade relationship. 我们写这封信是为了要和你方建立业务关系。
- On the Development of China-Australia Trade Relationship under Economic Globalization. 经济全球化下中澳双边贸易关系发展的研究。
- The map of Europe 52 ries and regions as well as 2 regional organizations in Europe have established economic and trade relationship with China. 欧洲52个国家和地区,2个地区组织(欧盟、上海合作组织)与中国有经贸关系。
- To help our people we must also work together to ensure that our markets remain open, and that our expanding economic and trade relationship remains transparent and fair. 为了帮助我们的人民,我们还必须做出共同努力,保证市场始终开放,切实做到双方日益扩大的经济贸易关系保持透明和公平。
- How many countries have cooperative economy and trade relationship with China? 有多少国家同中国有经贸合作关系?
- Type one: prostitute. Short-term trade relationship, no marriage contract. 第一类:妓。短期交易关系,无婚约。
- Our country has established a long-term trade relationship with many countries. 我国和很多国家都建立起了长期的贸易伙伴关系。
- Shanghai ever was bank of madder of peace and tranquility most western economic trade centre. 上海曾是太平洋西岸最发达的经济贸易中心。
- Indeed,Hong Kong and New Zealand have a good trading relationship. 事实上,香港与新西兰的贸易关系非常良好。
- Indeed, Hong Kong and New Zealand have a good trading relationship. 事实上,香港与新西兰的贸易关系非常良好。
- The HKTB is also supporting the celebratory activities organised by the Hong Kong Economic Trade Office HKETO in various overseas markets. 此外,旅发局亦会全力支持香港经济贸易办事处在各个海外市场举办的庆祝活动。
- Sichuan province YuWei Economic Trade Co.Ltd. has unique advantage, it’s the brave one surfing in the ocean of clothes. 四川省玉维经贸有限公司拥有个性的优势,是服装海洋里冲浪的勇者。
- Shenzhen will establish an economic trade zone in Vietnam, according to an agreement signed at the Wuzhou Guest House Monday. 根据本周一在五洲宾馆签订的协议,深圳将在越南设立一个经济贸易区。