- This will actively promote the foreign trade and economic strategies of China of "vitalizing trade by science and technology", "a multi-outlet market" and "going global" etc. 这将对深入实施我国的“科技兴贸”、“市场多元化”和“走出去”等外经贸战略起到更加积极的促进作用。
- Neoliberalism has now exhausted itself as an economic strategy for capital. 温和衰退的情况是基于对利润会迅速恢复的预期。
- I'm not an economist and I do not offer an overarching economic strategy. 我不是经济学家,也难以提供经济战略的答案。
- "It did stimulate the economy," says Clyde Prestowitz, the head of the Economic Strategy Institute. 经济战略研究所的负责人克赖德.;普莱斯特威兹说,“降息确实刺激了经济。”
- Deng Xiaoping’s economic strategy is widely regarded as a complete anathema to Mao’s. 摘要邓小平经济策略被广泛认为是一个完整的强烈毛泽东。
- Workers have long demanded for a legislated wage increase but the government's export-oriented economic strategy is anchored on maintaining cheap wages and a docile labor force. 劳工因此有立法增加薪资的长期需求,但政府的出口导向经济策略却维持在低工资与易驾驭劳动力的定位。
- Foss. N. Competence, Governance and Entrepreneurship:Advance in Economic Strategy Research[M]. Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 2000. 德姆塞茨,哈罗德.;企业经济学[M]
- And these cities know their position very well in the overall economic strategy of the country, whereas in contrast, Hong Kong is not sure about its role. 尤其是他们在国家整个经济的战略发展中找到了自己的定位。但是香港在这方面还不是太确切自己应该扮演一个怎样的角色?
- The Chinese race region enhances with perimeter nation the industry district that travel the politics, economic strategy position cooperates very important. 摘要我国民族地区与周边国家加强旅游业区域合作的政治、经济战略地位十分重要;
- Nevertheless, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino says President Bush is determined to enforce greater fiscal discipline while pursuing a pro-growth economic strategy. 然而白宫发言人佩里诺说,布什总统决心在遵行促进经济发展政策的同时,强化财政管制。
- Instead, he said that while 2009 would be a year of “arduous tasks,” China's economic strategy was sound and the nation's fundamentally positive outlook was unchanged. 取而代之,温家宝表示,2009年将是“任务艰巨”的一年,但由于中国采取了良好的经济战略,从根本上讲,中国仍然前景一片光明。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- Mother works economic advantages accrue. 母亲工作时经济收入增加了。
- They had led the country into economic disaster. 他们把国家带入了经济灾难中。
- With that deterioration comes a question: will the worsening conditions force the incoming president to jettison the economic strategy he laid out during the campaign and formulate a new one? 随着恶化而面临的一个问题就是:越来越糟的形式是否会迫使新任的总统放弃竞选时的经济政策而设计一套新的政策?
- Do you know the economic policy of this year? 你知道今年的经济政策吗?
- Economic depression often follows war. 经济不景气常因战争所致。
- The country is in a bad economic state. 这个国家的经济情况很差。
- The lecture bore down on economic causes. 那次演讲着重论述经济方面的原因。