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- Hong Kong is the base for regional publications such as Asia week and the Far East Economic Review. 香港是一些亚洲区刊物的业务基地,例如《亚洲周刊》及《远东经济评论》。
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- Ross Levine, Sara Zervos. Stock market, banks and economic growth. The American Economic Review, June 1998. 谭艳芝;彭文平.;金融发展与经济增长的因素分析[J]
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- Jovanovic. Boyan, Jach. Saul, Product Innovation and the Business Cycle, International Economic Review,Feb 1997. 邓小清.;企业如何做好创新产品的选择[J]
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- Cremer,J.and Weitzman,M.L."OPEC and the Monopoly Price of World Oil." European Economic Review,1976,8,pp.155-164. 一些石油输出国通过废除带有让步性质的协议或进一步参与到石油的生产过程中等手段来控制石油的产出.
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- Rigoberto Tiglao. Seaside Boom[J] , Far Eastern Economic Review , July 8, 1999,p.14 . 邹克渊.;人工岛屿、设施对南沙群岛主权争端的影响[J]
- Mathew Rabin. Incorporating Fairness into Game Theory and Economic. The American Economic Review, December 1993. 张维迎.;博弈论与信息经济学[M]
- McKinnon,R.,1992,Spontaneous Order on the Road Back from Socialism: An Asian Perspective,American Economic Review 80. 关于的一阶导数为,进一步由的导数可知为的减函数,所以,所以为的减函数。
- Elliot Sperling, professor at Indiana University, writes for the Far Eastern Economic Review about Chinese ... 早在2002年就进行过对话的试探;但由于达赖喇嘛与外国国家元首和政府首脑的众多公开 ...
- Grossman,H." Producers and Predators" ,Pacific Economic Review,3(1998),P.169- 187. 于建嵘:;2003年第3期;第1-16页.
- J.Chevalier,Capital structure and Product Market Competition[J],The American Economic Review,No.3,2005. 张昌彩.;企业融资结构与资本市场发展[J]
- "Shau Kee Studentship and his two sons refused to the" Far Eastern Economic Review "comments. 在研读了财务数据之后,分析家们感到了不舒服。
- Robert E. Lucas. Some International Evidence on OutputInflation Tradeoffs[M]. American Economic Review. 高鸿业.;西方经济学(下册)[M]
- Katerina Simons,Value at Risk-New Approaches to Risk Management[J].New England Economic Review, 1996(9,10). 牛昂.;银行风险管理的新方法[J]
- Easterbrook, F.. Two agency - cost explanations of dividends [J]. American Economic Review, 1984 ( 74 ). 唐清泉罗党论.;现金股利与控股股东的利益输送行为研究--来自中国上市公司的经验证据[J]