- Economic restructure and development is also the course of optimizing the relation between government and market. 尽管调控需要经常性的相机抉择,但要使调控效应持久平稳,必须构建宏观调控长效机制。
- Economic restructuring was vigorously promoted. 经济结构调整积极推进。
- Economic restructuring made headway. 经济结构调整取得积极进展。
- Fifth, advancing economic restructuring. 五是推动了经济结构调整。
- Economic restructuring was further deepened. 经济体制改革进一步深化。
- The system thus poses a hurdle to economic restructuring. 这一体制也因此而成为经济调整的阻碍因素。
- The economic restructuring proceeded at a dizzying pace. 经济重构以令人目眩的步伐进行着。
- The economic restructuring is conducive to the development of the poor areas. 经济结构调整有助于贫困地区的发展。
- Deepen economic restructuring and open still wider to the outside world. 深化经济体制改革和扩大对外开放。
- To support economic restructuring, this proportion will need to be increased. 为了适应经济转型,这个比率还要进一步提高。
- We unswervingly promoted independent innovation and economic restructuring. 坚定不移地推进自主创新和经济结构调整。
- We will make unremitting efforts to adjust the economic structure and deepen the economic restructuring. 必须大力推进经济结构调整,坚持不懈地把经济体制改革引向深入。
- The reform of state-owned enterprises is the key link in our overall economic restructuring. 国有企业改革是整个经济体制改革的中心环节。
- The Employees Retraining Board equips workers displaced in the economic restructuring with new skills for alternative employment. 雇员再培训局为因经济转型而失业的工人开办训练课程,让这些工人学习新技术,重新就业。
- We shall not only quicken the pace of economic restructuring but also put political restructuring on the agenda. 不仅要加快经济体制改革的步伐,而且要把政治体制改革提到议事日程上来。
- With the onset of a global knowledge economy, Hong Kong is going through a process of economic restructuring. 随着全球经济趋向以知识为本,香港现正经历经济转型。
- With the onset of a global knowledge economy,Hong Kong is going through a process of economic restructuring. 随着全球经济趋向以知识为本,香港现正经历经济转型。
- Carrying forward adjustment of the economic structure and the economic restructuring. 积极推进经济结构调整和经济体制改革。
- Minister Chen stated that the reform of state-owned enterprises is the central link of China's economic restructuring and the focus of concern at home. 陈清泰说,国有企业改革是中国经济体制改革的中心环节,是当前国内普遍关注的热点。
- The projected goals for economic restructuring are: Optimizing and upgrading industrial structures and increasing the international competitiveness. 经济结构调整的主要预期目标是:产业结构优化升级,国际竞争力增强。