- For the broadening of the economic partnership between Japan and Hong Kong will benefit not just our own peoples. 日本和香港之间若能建立更广泛的经济伙伴关系,不会只是令两地人民受惠,其他地区都会有所裨益。
- But it is only part of the message. For I believe the Japanese and Hong Kong economic partnership is on the threshold of a new era. 但这只是我想传达的信息的一部分,因为我深信,港日经济伙伴关系将在新纪元展开新的一页。
- The ambitious initiative of the New Economic Partnership for African Development (NEPAD) was a perfect illustration of initiatives on development. 非洲发展新经济合作伙伴的宏伟倡议,是关于发展所做努力的完美体现。
- I hope it is something more and more Irish people will experience as Ireland and China grow in friendship and economic partnership. 我希望在爱中两国之间的友谊和经济合作日益发展的未来,越来越多的爱尔兰人民可以感受到我今天所感受到的中国。
- The Leicester Shire Economic Partnership (LSEP) is a sub-regional strategic partnership for Leicester and Leicestershire. 莱斯特郡经济合作关系委员会是莱斯特市和莱斯特郡的区域战略合作关系委员会。
- Over the past three years, the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) has created a win-win situation for Hong Kong and the Mainland. 过去三年,香港透过CEPA,开拓出与内地互利共赢的新局面。
- CITIC and Calyon Financial signed a joint venture agreement, forming a new futures brokerage entity established under the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement( CEPA). 在“内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排”(EPA)的框架下,中信和东方汇理金融签署协议,共同组建合资期货经纪公司。
- It said that IP standards beyond TRIPS were also being imposed on developing and least developed countries through bilateral treaty agreement and economic partnership agreement. 该代表说,目前还正在通过双边条约和经济伙伴关系协定,要求发展中国家和最不发达国家执行TRIPS协定以外的标准。
- CITIC and Calyon Financial signed a joint venture agreement, forming a new futures brokerage entity established under the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA). 在“内地与香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排”(CEPA)的框架下,中信和东方汇理金融签署协议,共同组建合资期货经纪公司。
- Take advantage of the opportunities created by the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) and the establishment of the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Board in Shenzhen. 把握CEPA和深圳中小企业板块设立的机遇,推动相关企业,特别是高科技民营企业到香港和深圳上市。
- Experts say that Hong Kong has become the bedrock for foreign investment in the mainland, which is the reason behind the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) of 2004. 在专家看来,香港已经成为外商进入中国投资的温床,这亦是2004年出台CEPA协议的内里因由所在。
- In addition, the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement, a free trade agreement commonly known as the CEPA, became effective on January 1, 2004. 此外,中国内地与香港之间的更紧密经贸关系安排于2004年1月1日起生效,该安排是一项自由贸易协议,简称CEPA。
- Hence, it is prepared to give every encouragement and support to activities which are conducive to the strengthening of our economic partnership as well as attracting local investors to invest in the Mainland. 对於所有有利於加强两地经济合作,有利於推动香港投资者回内地投资的事情,都会给予大力的鼓励和支持。
- Hence,it is prepared to give every encouragement and support to activities which are conducive to the strengthening of our economic partnership as well as attracting local investors to invest in the Mainland. 对于所有有利于加强两地经济合作,有利于推动香港投资者回内地投资的事情,都会给予大力的鼓励和支持。
- I am sure that by charting out a correct course and moving forward together hand in hand,we should be able to carry our economic partnership to a new realm and attain mutual prosperity. 本人希望,只要我们大家认准了方向,大家携手合作,就一定能够推动两地的经济关系走向新的境界,促进两地共同繁荣。
- The Treaty also set out the economic criteria Member states must meet to complete Europe's economic and monetary union(EMU), the ultimate goal of economic partnership envisaged by the architects of the treaty of Rome. 条约还规定了为实现欧洲经济货币联盟,各成员国必须达到的经济指示。欧洲经济货币联盟是罗马条约缔造者们所憧憬的经济伙伴关系的最终目标。
- They are expected to play an increasingly important role in the mainland market, particularly after the implementation of the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement CEPA agreement. 香港授权公司是内地市场的主要业者,预料将发挥越来越重要的作用,尤以CEPA实施之后为然。
- I am sure that by charting out a correct course and moving forward together hand in hand, we should be able to carry our economic partnership to a new realm and attain mutual prosperity. 本人希望,只要我们大家认准了方向,大家携手合作,就一定能够推动两地的经济关系走向新的境界,促进两地共同繁荣。
- On February 17 (Tue), the Government of Japan decided at its Cabinet Meeting to sign the Agreement on Free Trade and Economic Partnership between Japan and the Swiss Confederation (“JSFTEPA”). 2009年2月17日(星期二),日本政府决定在其内阁会议,通过了签署日本和瑞士联(JSFTEPA)之间自由贸易和经济伙伴关系协定的议案.
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。