- economic institutional changes 经济制度变迁
- Empirical studies in institutional change II. 制度变革的经验研究2。
- Institutional changes are also necessary to maximize the potential of this new physical and human investment. 为了使这种实物和人力投资的潜力达到最大,体制上的变革也是必要的。
- Have any institutional changes or reforms been initiated by project participants? 参与项目人员有没有开始任何机构的改变或改革?
- Have the institutional changes been integrated into existing systems and budgets? 机构的改变是否和连接的系统及预算到位?
- Your hope to join the economic institute has become a reality. 你要参加经济学会的愿望实现了。
- In the follow-up process, however, not enough efforts have been made to localize the institutional changes. 但是中西部地区在跟进东部地区的制度时,在本土化改造方面做得不够。
- On the Theoretical Discuss of Late-developing Region's Economic Institution Change 关于后发展区域经济制度变迂问题的理论探讨
- Did the DCO increase its human resource or other capacities in order to continue to generate the institutional changes initiated by this project? 中方有没有增加人力资源或其他的能力以继续促使项目导致的机构改变?
- It also asks for enhanced basic science, and technological and institutional changes "to address water and land problems". 它还要求加强基础科学,改革技术和制度,“从而解决水和耕地的问题”。
- But the WTO is only one of several key international economic institutions. 但WTO仅仅是几个重要的国际经济组织之一。
- The former part of the theory of institutional changes of new institutionalism is scientific,while the latter part of it is unscientific. 新制度主义制度变迁理论一部分是科学的,一部分是非科学的。
- He pointed out that efficient economic organizations are a key to the economic growth, and institutional change is the dominant power for economic growth and depress. 提出有效率的经济组织是经济增长的关键,制度变迁是经济增长和衰微的主导力量。
- Without a system for penalizing inadequate financial disclosure and reporting, other institutional changes are doomed to fail. 没有对不完善的财务披露和报告进行惩罚的制度,其它的制度改革也将注定失败。
- Major factors affecting institutional changes are the technological-economic features of UMT projects and the UMT industry. 最后说明投资/组织模式和城市轨道网全寿命周期自然属性的契合程度是决定其制度实施绩效的一个重要因素。
- Ming and Qing dynasties' cycle of turmoil and administration provides an excellent perspective to observe the national institutional changes. 中国明清王朝期间,国家在统一与分裂、强大与衰退间的周期性变化为研究历史上的国家组织结构变迁提供了一个极佳的案例。
- It has the two changes of economic institution and growth way.To accomplish the change ,the keypoint is the third change that is the notion change. 经济体制的转变和增长方式的转变,实现这两个转变的关键,其实是第三个转变,那就是观念的转变。
- The many measures under the waste prevention programme, which I have only touched upon in outline, will be carried forward through a number of institutional changes. 刚才我仅简略说明防止废物产生计划的多项措施。这些措施将透过一连串制度上的改变而推行,并会由新的基础设施作为支援。
- Coase maintains that the study of economic institutions is vital to understanding of the work of the economic system. 科斯一直坚持制度分析对理解经济运行是重要的。
- Each country implemented common-law accounting standards, but did not implement the substantial institutional changes required to make these standards effective. 这些国家采用了普通法的会计标准,但却没有在体制上进行实质性的变更以使这些标准能真正发挥作用。