- No new business can flourish in the present economic climate. 在目前的经济气候中,任何新生意都兴旺不起来。
- A fall in interest rate is a probability in the present economic climate. 从目前的经济情势看,很有可能降低利率。
- A fall in interest rates is a probability in the present economic climate. 从目前的经济情势看,很有可能降低利率。
- Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate. 在目前的经济气候下,很少有企业兴旺发达。
- It is difficult to find work in the present economic climate. 在目前这种经济大气候下很难找到工作。
- This will not be possible in the changed economic climate. 这在经济气候已经改变的条件下是不可能的。
- The present economic climate works against the smaller companies. 当前的经济气候对小公司不利。
- Suzuki cites the weak economic climate for the drastic drop off. 铃木提到了脆弱的经济气候的急剧下降了。
- Owing to the unfavorable economic climate,the motor-car industry has cut back production by fifteen percent. 由于经济形势不利,摩托车工业减产15%25。
- Owing to the unfavourable economic climate,the motor-car industry has cut back production by fifteen per cent. 由于经济状况的不景气,汽车工业的生产削减了15%25。
- It is understandable that in the current economic climate some might question our capacity for funding major new projects. 面对当前的经济气候,我可以理解有人可能会怀疑我们是否有能力斥资开展大型工程计划。
- A fall in interest rates is a strong probability in the present economic climate. 在目前的经济形势下,降低利率大有可能。
- Small businesses are finding it hard to survive in the present economic climate. 小商家觉得在目前的经济环境下很难生存下去。
- Nuclear power is going to find it hard to stay alive in the competitive economic climate. 在今后充满竞争的经济环境中,核电力已很难再有活力。
- Owing to the unfavorable economic climate, the motor-car industry has cut back production by fifteen percent. 由于经济形势不利,摩托车工业减产15%25。
- Owing to the unfavourable economic climate, the motor-car industry has cut back production by fifteen per cent. 由于经济状况的不景气,汽车工业的生产削减了15%25。
- Since TTT wrote those words on 2nd May 1994 the world economic climate has continued to deteriorate. 既然TTT公司也于·1994年5月2日写出如此字眼,可见世界经济气候已经到了每况愈下的地步。
- Banks in many emerging markets will suffer as the economic climate deteriorates but they need to deleverage less. 恶化的经济环境,也会使其他新兴市场中的银行受苦,不过他们需要减债的程度较少;
- Such an international economic climate will inevitably put pressure and challenges on cashmere businesses. 羊绒企业置身于国际经济环境中,将不可避免地受到压力和挑战。
- Europe's new economic climate has largely fostered the trend toward independence. 独立自主的生活方式能够风行,欧洲的新经济大背景居功至伟。