- This economic case has nothing to do with you. 这件经济案跟你没有任何关系。
- This includes the checking of accounting statements, verification of capital, survey of economic cases, and clearing for defunct of bankrupt enterprises. 承办审计会计报表、验证资本、经济案件鉴定、停业破产清算等业务。
- SuperCables would carry many times the power of existing transmission lines, which helps the economic case for burial. 超级电缆可承载的功率比现有的传输线路高许多倍,对地下化所需的成本也有帮助。
- Specialized skill: Rights of the person such as the medical dispute,etc. damage the case; Economic cases such as the real estate,etc.; The pleading criminally of economic crime. 业务专长:医疗纠纷等人身损害案件;房地产等经济案件;经济犯罪的刑事辩护。
- And though there is a sound economic case for getting rid of the AMT, the huge sums of cash it would take to fix could be better spent elsewhere. 虽然说花钱更新这个系统看上去挺靠谱的,但是那么多银子用在别的地方也许更有价值。
- The determining factor underpinning any Government decision on membership of the single currency is the national economic interest and whether the economic case for joining is clear and unambiguous. 在加入单一货币体系的问题上,左右政府决定的关键因素是国家经济利益以及加入的经济凭据是否清晰明确。
- A failure to do this, they argue, “risks bringing a useful analytical tool into disrepute and may even induce unwarranted cynicism about the economic case for open trade. 但他们同时指出这样做可能产生的后果就是“存在着有用的分析工具被唾弃的风险甚至可能招来对贸易开放的无根据的冷嘲热讽”。
- Audit institutions at various local levels have also undertaken a great deal of work and played an important role in the investigation and sanction of key economic cases and in the fight against corruption. 地方各级审计机关在查处重大经济案件和反腐败斗争中也做了大量工作,发挥了重要作用。
- Audit institutions at various local levels have also undertaken a great deal of work and played important role in the investigation and sanction of key economic cases and in the fight against corruption. 地方各级审计机关在查处重大经济案件和反腐败斗争中也做了大量工作,发挥了重要作用。
- Long Tao, lawyer, has been engaging in law business for many years. He is expert in handling civil litigation, criminal cases, economic cases and other proceedings and non-proceedings concerned. 龙涛律师:从事法律服务多年,擅长处理刑事、经济等相关诉讼及非诉讼案件。
- In the total numder of economic cases received by industrial and commercial admi-nistration department, cases with economic crime and economic dispute interwoven oc-cupy a considerable percentage. 经济犯罪与经济纠纷相交织的案件,在当前工商行政管理部门受理的经济案件中占有相当的比例。
- In recent years, the fairness of court decisions has always been questioned and ever increasing rehear civil, economic cases make the necessity of two grade final judgment in vain. 近年来法院判决的公正性不断遭受质疑,进入再审程序的民事、经济案件越来越多,两审终审制名存实亡。
- Wen Wenjuan, 52, female, graduated from university, ever worked in Tianjin Municipal Judicial Bureau. She is good at civil and economical cases, etc. 温文娟,52岁,女,大学毕业,曾在市司法局工作,擅长民事、经济案件业务。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- Mother works economic advantages accrue. 母亲工作时经济收入增加了。
- They had led the country into economic disaster. 他们把国家带入了经济灾难中。
- Accepted Threads of Economic case 项目受理经济案件线索总数
- Do you know the economic policy of this year? 你知道今年的经济政策吗?
- Economic depression often follows war. 经济不景气常因战争所致。
- The country is in a bad economic state. 这个国家的经济情况很差。