- By taking Enshi prefecture as an example, this paper studies the traffic economic belt in ethnic areas. 摘要本文以恩施土家族苗族自治州为例对民族地区交通经济带进行研究。
- In the p aper, the author explored the development mechanism of the traffic economic belt firstly. 交通经济带是“点轴开发理论”的重要体现形式,产业的集聚与扩散是交通经济带形成的基本动力。
- The research on the Cheng-Yu urban economic belt is beneficial to the increase of the integral strength of the local area, to the disp... 对成渝城市经济带的研究有利于该地区整体实力的提高,有利于发挥其在长江上游地区的重要作用,有利于推进西部大开发的战略。
- Experts say the Yangtze River economic belt has become a high-tech base in China, and expect to play a crucial role in the country's development. 专家们说长三角经济带已经成为中国的高科技基地,预计会在中国的发展中扮演至关重要的角色。
- Exceptional natural port advantages have gradually formed the Beilun port in Ningbo's large industrial economic belt, which ranks the third in throughput among China's ports. 得天独厚的港口优势,使居中国港口吞吐量第三位的宁波北仑港口大工业经济带逐步形成。
- Economic Belt can represent comprehensive competition ability of the cities to a greatest extent through its powerful agglomeration and diffusing effect. 经济带(圈)通过其强有力的集聚和扩散作用,最大程度地体现出城市群的综合竞争力。
- Economic Belt on the Northern Slope of Tianshan Mountains is a central area of Xinjiang and plays a decisive role in social and economic development of the region. 摘要天山北坡经济带在新疆社会经济发展中占有举足轻重的地位。
- Centered around Shanghai, the Yangtze River Delta economic circle locates at the cross point between Yangtze River Economic Belt and the southeast coasting region. “长三角”已成为经济界、学术界乃至国际社会热门的话题。
- ShiheZi City lies in the kernel region of the Northern Foothills Economic Belt of Tianshan Mountain, meanwhile the center of Northern Xinjiang Consumption Market. 石河子市位于北疆人口最为密集的天山北坡经济带的腹心位置,同时也位于北疆消费市场的中心。
- Nowadays the ancient Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal not only plays an important role in north-south transportation, but has also brought about a thriving industry corridor, resulting in the formation of the Grand Canal Economic Belt. 古老的京杭大运河如今不仅在贯通南北运输方面发挥重要作用,而且带动起一条欣欣向荣的工业走廊,形成了大运河经济带。
- the yangtze river economic belt region 长江经济带
- Coastal economic belt in Liaoning province 辽宁沿海经济带
- economic belt along the upriver of Yangtze 长江上游经济带
- economic belt of Chengdu-Chongqing 成渝经济带
- Three Industrial Parks and One Economic Belt “三园一带”
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- Shanghai - Nanjing - Hangzhou Traffic Economic Belt 沪宁杭交通经济带
- the coastal economic belt in Jiangsu province 江苏沿海经济带
- Northern Tianshan Mountain Economic Belt 天山北坡经济带
- Mother works economic advantages accrue. 母亲工作时经济收入增加了。