- economic application course 经济应用型课程
- NDE is an aftermost application course based on basic medical and pharmaceutical knowledge. 本学科建立在药学基础学科和基础医学学科之上,为终末应用学科。
- Kuba not crimes : the poor regard for the economic application of the Housing refused! 哭吧不是罪:这些吃着碗里盯着锅里的房虫!真是饱汉子不吃饿汉子饥啊。
- Zheimegui economic application of the Housing became part of the investment income of paradise (Xinhuanet). 这么贵的经济适用房,成了部分中上收入者投资的天堂(新华网)。
- Li Xiaolin members specialized briefed reporters on the economic application of the Housing "mismatches" theories, and that this will form a proposal. 李晓林委员专门向记者介绍了经济适用房的“错位理论”,并说将为此形成一个提案。
- Comparatively, the fuel dust removal and sulfur removal technology is one kind of mature and economic application technology. 比较而言,烟气除尘脱硫技术是一种技术成熟较为经济的应用技术。
- Undeniably, the economic application of the Housing to the market, to some extent the urban housing problems of low-income families. 不可否认,经济适用房推向市场后,在一定程度上解决了城市中低收入家庭的住房困难问题。
- The present paper deals with the practical and economic application of DDT and BHC emulsions in controlling stem-miner of Legumes. 2. 摘要1.本试验在求以最有效之药剂(DDT乳剂及BHC乳剂)作最经济的施药时期测定。
- "Nanjing lifting of the economic application of housing," saying that Guyunchang categorically denied the rumors, repeated rumors that this may be a. 听到记者提出的“南京取消经济适用住房”的说法,顾云昌断然予以否定,反复申明这可能是一种误传。
- Whole section once detonation is an important way to realize blast safety and to improve blast efficiency.This paper introduces the application course of whole section once detonating technique. 全断面一次起爆技术是实现爆破安全、提高爆破效率的重要途径,介绍了全断面一次起爆技术的应用过程。
- Therefore, the economic application of the housing policy is not an expedient measure but a longer period will exist and play an important role in policy. 因此,经济适用住房政策不是一个权宜之计,而是一个较长时期都将存在并发挥重要作用的政策。
- The application course of Olympic Games 奥运申办历程
- Government regulation and control should be adopted, the property development business reorientation of the economic application of the real estate market development Housing mainstream possible. 政府应通过调控,将房产企业的开发方向调整到经济适用房这一房产市场发展的主流上来。
- Fuk, Xiamen, a city-3 plan, targeted to launch some plots of land, the focus for economic application of the Housing, low-cost, low-cost housing and commercial housing construction ordinary spaces. 福、厦、泉3市要有计划、有针对性地推出一些地块,重点用于经济适用房、廉租房和中低价位普通商品房建设。
- Robert Aumann &Sergiu Hart(ed.) (1992, 1994, 2003): Handbook of game theory with economic applications, vol. I, II, III, Elsevier Science B. V. 中译本:宾默尔:博弈论与社会契约(第一卷):公平博弈,王小卫、钱勇译,韦森校,上海财经大学出版社2003年。
- Both of these countries have eliminated their backlogs and have systems that deliver final decisions for economic applicants within a year. 这两个国家都已经消除了文件积压,并使系统在一年之内就可以给经济类申请人发出决定函。
- North Olympic North, Garden homes, Small (Garden North) and the Asian economic applicable housing area north of the villa opened some new projects. 北五环往北,有北苑家园、天通苑(北苑北)经济适用住房小区以及亚北一些新开的别墅项目。
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- In the recently concluded New Year exhibitions summit vice minister Song Chunhua noted that 85 to 100 square metres of housing most economical application. 在刚结束的新年房展峰会上,建设部副部长宋春华指出,85到100平方米的住房最经济适用。
- In selecting, under the precondition to satisfy the production requirements, pressure meters with lower accuracy and economic applicability are chosen as more as possible. 选择时,应在满足生产要求的情况下尽可能选用精确度较低、经济适用的压力表。