- They are dredging for the dead body. 他们在捞尸体。
- ecological dredging 生态疏浚
- The depth of the river is maintained by dredging. 通过疏浚保持河道的深度。
- The long-time ecological effect of eutrophication control measures such as damming, dredging, diluting etc. 结果表明,大部分湖区浮游植物群落结构与治理前基本相同,仍以蓝藻占绝对优势。
- No dredging and spoil dumping shall be allowed. 工程不得包括挖泥及卸泥工序。
- Can We Control Lake Eutrophication by Dredging? 底泥疏浚能控制湖泊富营养化吗?
- The regional ecological system is fragile. 区域生态系统脆弱。
- Yes,I am dragging/ dredging anchor. 是的,我船正在走锚/拖锚。
- Cleaning and dredging the drainages. 清洗并疏通空调末端排水装置。
- Where do the first ecological refugees come from? 世界第一批生态难民来自何方?
- The result of analysis shows that the implementation of the dredging project is of high ecological and social benefits. 分析结果表明,实施塔里木河下游河道疏浚工程具有良好的生态效益和社会效益。
- An Ecological Design Idea for Hongyuan Building. 宏源大厦生态建筑的设计思路。
- Who Make the Ecological and Environmental Crisis? 谁制造了生态与环境灾害?
- Biographers excel at dredging up little known facts. 传记作者们善于发掘鲜为人知的事实。
- Who Should Pay for the Ecological Use of Water? 谁为生态用水埋单?
- We also have ecological agriculture. 我们还发展了生态农业呢。
- How Far Away from Which Ecological Economy Does? 生态经济离我们还有多远?
- Dredging of the Lamma Power Station Navigation Channel. 在南丫发电厂航道进行挖泥作业。
- It's more accurate to call it an ecological park. 还是叫生态园比较准确。
- Guizhou Polar Bear Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd. 贵州北极熊生态农业有限公司。