- The ebb and flow of politics in Washington goes on as usual. 华盛顿的政治风云,一如既往,仍然变幻莫测。
- She was suffering a mysterious ebb and flow of mood. 她情绪一时高涨一时低落,令人捉摸不透。
- The ebb and flow of conversation. 谈话声此起彼伏。
- He knows every ebb and flow of my life tide. 我人生的每一个涨落他都很了解。
- He's never lost heart in the ebb and flow of his life. 他在人生的变幻中从未灰心丧气过。
- Our children enjoyed watching the ebb and flow of the tide when we were spending the weekend at the seaside. 我们在海滨度周末时,孩子们都很喜欢观赏涨潮和退潮的景象。
- The music celebrates the natural ebb and flow of all life. 悦耳的音乐赞美了人一生中所有的起起落落。
- She sat in silence enjoying the ebb and flow of conversation. 她默默地坐在那儿,饶有兴致地听着时高时低的谈话声。
- I like music with an ebb and flow, more than super rhythmic. 我喜欢舒缓柔和的音乐,多于旋律激越的。
- The ebb and flow of the sea is certainly a sight to behold. 海潮的涨落确实是个奇观。
- There is some evidence that dishonesty may ebb and flow. 某些迹象表明,欺诈行为有起有伏。
- Happiness doen't lie in events.but the ebb and flow of one's heart. 1幸福不在于事件,而是取决于心灵的潮起潮落。
- We will never regret for dating with true love ebb and flow. 我们将永远也不会后悔约定真爱永不衰退和遗失。
- She spent seconds watching the ebb and flow of the tide. 有几秒种的时间,她凝视着潮起潮落。
- Figures in the table indicate that traffic accidents may ebb and flow. 表中的数字表明;交通事故有起有伏.
- The intensity of social entrepreneurship can and does ebb and flow over time. 社会企业家的强度可以,而且也的确随着时间而波动。
- Massive tides, over a kilometer in height, would ebb and flow every few hours. 每几个小时,超过一千米高的大规模潮汐就发生一次。
- Like our energy levels, the tides of the ocean have a consistent ebb and flow. 海洋潮汐与我们身体能量潮汐的退潮和流动一致。
- That river ebbs and flows twice every year. 那条河每年涨落两次。
- The tide ebbs and flows twice in 24 hours. 潮水每24小时涨落两次。