- earthquake risk zone 地震风险区
- Aftr the Great Wenchuan Earthquake,earthquake insurance has become a focus.There is huge earthquake risk in China. 汶川大地震发生后,地震保险成为人们关注的一个焦点。
- Japan, for example, has issued natural catastrophe bonds or swaps to offset earthquake risk. 以日本为例,它已发行了自然灾害债券或掉期工具,用以抵消地震带来的风险。
- The analysis methods of earthquake risk of buried pipeline could be divided into theoretical approach and empirical approach. 埋地管道的地震危险性分析方法可以分为理论分析法和经验统计法。
- The forth-class risk zone locates the southern and middle area of shrub land, open woodland and the medium coverage grass land. 六级风险区主要分布在研究区城镇及居民点等建设用地、未利用地和水域。
- And finally, the sixth-class risk zone mainly locates the construction land (towns, inhabitation spots, etc.), unused land and some water areas. 一级风险区,平川地区一是加强生态环境建设,增加林草植被覆盖率,应当适度扩大旱地经济林的种植面积、进一步提高雨水资源就地利用率和经济效益;
- The weighted coefficients can indicate r elative intensity of regional crustal related movement.It is one of the time cr iterions of earthquake risk assessment. 而地壳垂直形变场的时间权系数能够表示区域地壳运动的相对强弱,它可以作为区域地震危险性判定的时间判据。
- Using CORA-3 algorism of pattern recognition and Fesherls discriminant function, the 38 historical earthquake areas and 22 areas needed to be identified for earthquake risk are classified and predicted. 利用图象识别的CORA-3算法与费歇尔判别函数,对华北历史上已发生的38次地震和22个待预测区进行了分类和预测。
- A graphic system computer program ERA has been developed on FACOM-M380 to estimate the earthquake risk at any place in China based on the simple Poisson model and Chinese historical earthquake data. 本文介绍在日本东京大学生产技术研究所FACOM-M380计算机上建立的地震危险性分析图形系统ERA。
- The strain of lid Inner panel in stamping process has been analyzed with CGA (circle grid analysis) and FLD in different material.The risk zone and forming style have also been studied. 摘要采用网格应变分析技术,研究不同材料性能下轿车行李箱盖内板冲压成形过程中应变分布,指出了变形过程中可能存在的危险区域,以及这些区域内材料的变形方式;
- Seismotectonic method was used to research seismogenic structures, the potential maximum earthquake in the structure and estimate the next limit earthquake risk of engineering site. 地震构造法是通过研究工程场地周围每一发震构造及最大潜在地震来确定场地未来的极限地震危险性。
- Supplies were parachuted into the earthquake zone. 救援物资已空投到地震区。
- Using the loess seismic subsidence distaster predicting method and the results of earthquake risk assessment, the seismic subsidence on loess sites were discriminated and evaluated. 利用黄土震陷灾害预测方法和该地区黄土场地地震危险性分析结果,对该公路沿线黄土场地的震陷区进行了判定和评价。
- Debris flow risk zoning is an important method for debris flow disaster mitigation. 减灾工程也只能对一定规模的泥石流起到防御作用。
- Loss reconstruction of historical earthquakes is a method for prediction of earthquake losses, and as well as a measure for calibration of analysis model of earthquake risk. 摘要历史地震损失重建是地震损失预测的一种方法,也是用于区域地震风险分析模型验证的一种手段。
- The synthetic wheat risk zoning of agrometeorological disasters were conducted in Henan Province in terms of integrated multi-factors risk index model based on the upper analysis. 在此基础上,运用多因子综合风险指数模型,对河南省小麦生产农业气象灾害风险进行了综合区划,为农业气象灾害风险探讨了一条新的定量分析及区划技术体系。
- According to the biggest height of the risking zone and the transmitting fissure zone,the disastrous areas while exploiting the minable coal-beds below in the coming years are predicted. 本文依据井田范围内采空积水调查资料,探讨了采空积水的贮存分布规律,并采用冒落带及导水裂隙带最大高度的计算方法,预测了未来开采下伏可采煤层造成的漏水灾害区。
- The earthquake may cause a region to fall in. 地震可以使一个地区下陷。
- We all felt the earthquake tremors. 我们都感觉到地震时的颤动。