- The contact pressure and its distribution, the load sharing between piers and the raft are monitored by the installed earth pressure cells at pier-soil and raft-soil interfaces. 根据基底下埋设土压力盒的观测结果,研究了墩-筏基础的工作机理;明确了基底压力及分布;分析了墩与筏基的荷载分配比。
- This article deals with a test carried out on the artificially excavated belled piles on a certain complicate old gully site by means of embedding earth pressure cells and reinforcement stress gauges. 对某复杂的古冲沟场地上带扩大头的人工挖孔桩通过埋设土压力盒和钢筋应力计等原位测试手段,进行了试验研究。
- Calibration of Earth Pressure Cell 土压力盒的标定
- Stressometer of reinforcement and earth pressure cell 钢筋应力计和土压力盒
- earth pressure cells 土压力盒
- Micro earth pressure cell 微型土压力盒
- miniature earth pressure cell 微型土压力盒
- earth pressure cell 土压力盒
- The earth pressure is calculated by using Rankin theory or Column theory. 通常采用朗金理论或库仑理论计算作用在挡土墙上的土压力.
- NAKRI will pass through the weakness between the high pressure cells and recurve. 娜基莉将通过围绕它的两个高压中之弱点向北后转东北移动。
- If the driven pile option is adopted, raking piles can be driven to counter-act the earth pressure. 假如采用打入桩,则可打入斜桩,以抵挡土压力。
- Differential pressure cells may be used as level transmitters on low boiling point hydrocarbon liquids, and most general applications. 在液位变送器在低沸点碳氢化合物液体和其它大部分普通应用中,差压单元可以用作液位变送器。
- Earth pressure balance (EPB) shield is used most extensively in shield construction. 土压平衡式盾构机是盾构法施工中应用最为广泛的盾构机。
- By use of a special test equipment, the effect of earth pressure on the drainage pressure is measured. 使用有限元渗流分析法对不同土压力、不同设置长度下的排水效果进行了分析;
- FAXAI is now traversing the weakness between the subtropical ridge and the high pressure cell anchored at eastern China. 法茜正通过在副热带高压脊和中国东部的高压之间的的弱点。
- Relatively the measured deformation and lateral earth pressure were insensitive to the roughness of the wall. 相对来说,所测得的位移和土压力对简壁的摩擦不很灵敏。
- The calculation principle of earth pressure using principal stress arching is proposed. 给出了用主应力拱应力分析计算土压力的基本原理。
- Water and earth pressures are key factors to the stability of foundation pit. 摘要基坑支护结构上水土压力的大小是关系基坑稳定的重要因素。
- The stirring,the glass bead breaker,the high pressure cell cracker and the high pressure cracker to break cell for releasing ALDH were investigated and compared. 本文着重考察了搅拌粗提、珠磨破碎、高压细胞破碎仪和高压破碎仪的细胞破碎方法对释放ALDH的影响。
- The coefficient of earth pressure changes accordantly with the value of the ea... 土压力系数与土压力数值大小的变化规律相一致。