- earth dam leakage 土石坝渗漏
- The case presented in this paper proved that GPR method is a effective way to detect the dam leakage. 实践证明 ,地质雷达方法在水坝渗漏检测中有较好的应用效果
- Artificial tracer method has been used to investigate dam leakage problem broadly. 人工示踪方法已在堤坝渗漏探测中得到很多应用。
- Secondly, two quantitative calculation modes for dam leakage are proposed with the heat resource method. 其次,利用热源法建立了堤坝渗漏的两个定量计算模型。
- Study on temperature tracing dam leakage is one of the convenient methods, but it needs further consummate on theory. 温度场探测堤坝渗漏的研究是其中一种较便捷的方法,但是在理论上还需要进一步完善。
- The achieved results show that dispersive soil can be served as the clay core wall in earth dam under filter layers. 在做好反滤层设计的前提下,用分散性土样作为防渗心墙的填筑土样是可行的。
- By study on the productive grouting experiment,earthquake accumulative dam was of very good groutablity was testified,the problem of dam leakage can be solved by curtain grouting. 通过生产性试验灌浆研究,进一步证明地震堆积坝体具有良好的可灌性,帷幕灌浆能够解决坝体的渗漏问题。
- This paper discussed application and effect of split grouting technique in earth dam reinforcement with engineering case. 结合工程实例探讨劈裂灌浆技术在土坝加固处理中的应用与效果。
- Holubec I, Dobson J, Manson S.Design and construction of an earth dam on highly plastic clay using wick drain foundation[A].Canadian Geotechnical Conference[C].1993. 作者简介:陈祖煜(1943-),男,浙江镇海人,教授级高级工程师,主要从事边坡工程和水利工程的研究。
- The two mathematical models for earth dam break, a gradual dam break model due to overtopping and an instantaneous dam break model under some unknown urgent reasons, are set up. 针对土坝的溃坝失事,建立了逐渐溃坝和瞬时溃坝两种数学模型,在论述它们各自的机理后,结合实例验证其实用性,并对其各自特点分别加以分析和比较,从而为防汛部门的防洪预报提供科学依据
- The paper discusses the mechanism, design and construction technology in seepage control of split grouting technique for earth dam body, and thereby proves its application value. 文中阐述了土坝坝体劈裂灌浆防渗技术的机理、设计和施工要求,展现了该技术良好的推广价值。
- For the joint part of earth dam and sluice foundation, the two projects are calculated, that is taking into earth dam body seepage and taking no account of earth dam body seepage. 对土坝和泄冲闸的结合部位渗流场进行了考虑土坝坝体渗流和不考虑土坝坝体渗流的两种方案的计算。
- Earth dam of yuecheng water reservoir is located high intensity seismic region, seismic liquefaction of of body and foundation of the dam is the important factor of the security of dam. 岳城水库土坝位于地震高烈度区,坝体和坝基的地震液化是影响大坝安全的重要因素之一。
- In this paper, using the nonlinear finite element analysis, the stress-strain in the Hua Liang Ting Earth Dam is calculated to investigate the cause of longitudinal cracks in the watertight core. 本文对已建成的花凉亭土坝静应力应变进行有限单元非线性分析,以便探讨粘土心墙砂壳混合式坝型的坝体固结情况及心墙、铺盖的应力状态,并对花凉亭土坝心墙纵向裂缝成因进行了综合分析。
- Abstract: Taking Shimen Reservoir as an example, this paper makes an introduction of the application of computer in the analysis of stability of earth dam with such theories as sweden method. 中文摘要: 本文运用瑞典法等理论,对计算机在土坝稳定分析中的应用以石门水库为例进行了说明。
- On the base of the previous work, slip and seepage risk analysis model of earth dam is founded, simultaneously, security early warning index of concrete dam and earth dam is lucubrated. 本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对土石坝失稳破坏和渗透破坏的风险分析模型,以及混凝土坝、土石坝的安全预警指标进行了深入的研究,主要成果如下。
- Modern dams are usually built of concrete,but earth dams were used in India and Sri Lanka about 2,500 years ago. 现代水坝通常用的混凝土结构。但大约2500年以前,印度和斯里兰卡已经建立了上坝。
- Tracer Analysis of Dam Leakage for Majiagou Reservior 马家沟水库大坝渗漏示踪分析
- Laplace solution for heat transfer model of dam leakage 大坝渗漏传热模型及拉氏变换解