- earnings on invested capital 投入资本盈利
- He evaluates charities the same way he looks for stocks:value for money,return on invested capital. 他对待慈善事业的态度犹如对待股票:认真评估投入资本的有价回报。
- He evaluates charities the same way he looks for stocks: value for money, return on invested capital. 他对待慈善事业的态度犹如对待股票:认真评估投入资本的有价回报。
- The Limited Partners shall receive six per cent (6%) annualized levered return on invested capital. 有限的合作伙伴,应领取的6%25(6%25)的年均回报率杠杆投资资本。
- A truly great business must have an enduring “moat” that protects excellent returns on invested capital. 一家真正伟大的企业必须拥有持久的“护城河”,它能为投资者获得丰厚的投资回报提供保护。
- Terex strives to deliver products that are reliable, cost-effective and improve our customers' return on invested capital. 特雷克斯力争提供可靠而且经济实用的产品,以提高其客户的投资回报。
- The nature of capital is invested capital appreciation, be sure to get a larger return on invested capital, if you fail to return, violates the law of equity. 资本的本性在于增值,投入资本一定要获得更大的回报,如果投入资本得不到回报,就违反了资本运作规律。
- rate of return on invested capital 投入资本所得率
- The cost of capital is the rate of return a firm must earn on investment in order to leave share price unchanged 资本成本是企业为了使其股票价格保持不变而必须获得的投资报酬率
- I want to learn about your new policy on investment. 我想了解一下你们的新投资政策。
- Domain names is not our business but a new way to earn on reselling. 域名是没有我们的事务而是一个新方式赢得在转售。
- ROIX Return on Investment Capital 投资汇报率实时操作系统
- The lower-paid spend a disproportionately large amount of their earnings on food. 低工资者将收入花在食物上的比例很大。
- Rate of return on investment capital 投入资本收益率
- He would spend all he earned on books. 他总是把挣来的每分钱都花在买书上。
- Midwest also reported second-quarter earnings on Thursday, with much different results. 中西部还报告第二季盈利在周四,有很多不同的结果。
- Invested capital shall be accounted for at the amount actually invested. 投入资本应当按实际投资数额入帐。
- My sister's the oracle on investment matters. 我姐姐是个万无一失的投资顾问。
- Possessing of the experience on investing overseas. 有成功办理境外投资企业的经验。
- Ways of calculating the Return on Investment. 计算投资回报率的各种方法。