- How much money I earn is none of your concern. 我挣多少钱与你无关。
- I am going to teach until my son can earn money. 我教书要教到我儿子能够赚钱。
- I can't say offhand how much money I earn. 我一下子说不上来我挣多少钱。
- The women earn their living by weaving. 这些女子以纺织为生。
- She doesn't earn much from her writing. 她写作得到的收入不多。
- I'll do anything within reason to earn my living. 为了谋生,只要是正当的事我什麽事都做。
- If you earn well, you'll never go short. 钱挣多了就什麽都不缺了。
- Perilously or criminally foolish action. 危险的蠢行危险或犯法的愚蠢行为
- At (the) most I might earn 250 a night. 一晚上我至多可挣250英镑。
- That's how I earn my daily bread. 我是这样维持生活的。
- She's working hard to earn money. 她为了挣钱而努力工作。
- These stocks will earn money; it's a sure thing. 那些股票稳赚的。
- I can earn 20 a night, more or less, as a waiter. 我当服务员一晚上能挣20英镑左右。
- How does he earn his bread and butter? 他怎样谋生?
- He'll sing a different tune when he has to earn his own money. 当她必须自己去赚钱时,他唱的调子就会不同了。
- Sailors do not earn much money but they do see life. 海员们挣钱不多,但他们确实能见世面。
- Women's salaries are low vis-a-vis what men earn for the same work. 女子的薪水比同工种的男子低。
- Some company directors make (ie earn) an absolute bomb. 有些公司董事赚很多钱。
- It allow you to earn a little interest on your money. 这使您可以从存款得到点利息。
- In order to earn enough money, he worked late into the night. 为了赚到足够的钱,他工作到深夜。