- His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure. 他早年所受的教养使他热衷於冒险活动。
- I intended to catch the early train, but I didn't get up in time. 我本来打算赶早班的火车,但是我起晚了。
- We shall be going away tomorrow by an early train. 我们明天坐很早的一班的火车走。
- She beetled off to catch the early train. 她匆匆离开,赶乘早班火车去了。
- The early train has been discontinued. 早班火车已经停开了。
- The early train, but she didn't get up in time. 她本打算赶早班的火车,可是早上赶晚了。
- You could have got the early train. 你本来可以搭上早班火车的。
- She proposes to catch the early train. 她打算赶早班火车。
- She will leave on an early train. 她将乘早班火车离开。
- His early training predispose him to a life of adventure. 他早年所受的教养使他热衷於冒险活动。
- The early train departed from the station at 5 o'clock. 早班火车5点钟离站。
- We must retire early as we have to catch an early train tomorrow. 我们得早点回屋安歇,因为明天我们要赶一班很早的火车。
- His early training enabled him to face everything with confidence. 他的早期训练使他能自信地面对一切。
- Their early training programmes them to be obedient and submissive. 他们早先受过的教育已把他们训练得俯首帖耳、唯命是从。
- They would have been here by now if they'd caught the early train. 他们要是赶上了早班火车,现在都该到这儿了。
- Which is the earliest train to Tokyo today? 今天去东京的最早的列车是哪一次?
- "Do you always catch such an early train? "asked the inspector. “你总是赶这样的早班车吗?”检查官问道。
- I intended to catch the early train,but I didn't get up in time. 我本来打算赶早班的火车,但是我起晚了。
- When will the earliest train to Oslo depart? 最早去奥斯陆的火车何时开出。
- Toad went up to Town by an early train this morning. 然后,他们从船坞里划出自己的小船,划到河下游的家中,很晚很晚,才在自己那舒适的临河的客厅里坐下来吃晚饭。