- Miniture pigs were used for superovulation and the recovery of early embryo. 目的本试验对小型猪进行超数排卵和早期胚胎回收技术进行试验研究。
- The middle germinal layer of an early embryo, consisting of undifferentiated cells destined to become the mesoderm. 中胚层早期胚的中间胚芽层,由最终将发育成中胚层的未分化细胞组成
- The middle germinal layer of an early embryo,consisting of undifferentiated cells destined to become the mesoderm. 中胚层,早期胚的中间胚芽层,由最终将发育成中胚层的未分化细胞组成。
- The fetuin receptors (RFs) in skin of early embryo of Bufo raddei were localized by using fetuin-HRP complex as probe. 本文用酶标胎球蛋白为探针,对花背蟾蜍早期胚胎皮肤中胎球蛋白受体进行定位。
- Objective:To explore the expression pattern and localization of ISP2 protein in mouse ovum and early embryo. 目的:了解ISP2蛋白在小鼠卵细胞和早胚组织中的表达情况。
- In an early embryo, a bile canaliculus has been found.A bile duct is evolved from original hepatic cell. 胆小管在胚胎早期已经形成,胆管由肝母细胞演化而来;
- The source of the hysteria is a widespread misunderstanding ofwhat an early embryo is, according to West, Cibelli,Lanza. 3人认为,这些激烈反应是人们对早期胚胎的误解。
- Aim To study the toxicity of the lead acetate on the fertilization ability of sperm and the development of early embryo in mice. 目的研究醋酸铅对公鼠精子受精能力及受精卵发育的毒性,为进一步研究提供依据。
- Maternal genes are responsible for controlling the axis specification, cleavage pattern, morphogenetic movements in the early embryo development. 母性基因在胚胎的早期发育阶段起着至关重要的作用,主要功能是决定轴的分化、卵裂方式的形成和形态的发生。
- The source of the hysteria is a widespread misunderstanding of just what an early embryo is, according to West, Cibelli, and Lanza. 3人认为,这些激烈反应是由于人们对早期胚胎的误解。
- The toxicity of the Aroclor 1254 on the fertilization ability of sperm and the development of early embryo in mice were studied. 目的研究醋酸铅对公鼠精子受精能力及受精卵发育的毒性,为进一步研究提供依据。
- Improvement of Mouse Early Embryo Development in Vitro by Co-Culture with Human Oviductal Epithelial Cells in Serum-Free Medium Zeng wei, Feng Zhichun. 单位:510028广州,第一军医大学珠江医院儿科[曾卫(现在解放军第一八一医院),封志纯关键词:输卵管;上皮;胎儿发育;细胞;
- According to the passage, when biologists believed that the cells in the early embryo were undetermined, they made which of the following mistakes? 题干问:当生物学家(过去)相信早期胚胎的细胞(对基因)不具确定性时,他们犯了一个什么样的错误。
- This led them to believe that the cells in the early embryo are undetermined in the sense that each cell has the potential to develop in a variety of different ways. 这带领他们相信在早期的胚胎的细胞是未确定的,也就是说每个细胞有潜力开发用各种各样的不同的方式。
- A corresponding portion of the egg of other animals, consisting of protein and fat which serve as the primary source of nourishment for the early embryo and protoplasmic substances from which the embryo develops. 卵黄其它动物蛋内的相应部分,由蛋白质和脂肪组成,用作早期胚胎的主要营养来源和胚胎由此发育的原生物质
- These results suggested that ROP-68 and ROP-55 were the oviductal cytokine inducing initiation of zygotic gene and realizing normal transition of maternal to zygotic control of early embryo development. 结合我们已报道的研究结果,推测ROP-68和ROP-55就是具备启动早期胚胎合子型基因开放、实现正常发育调控过渡功能的输卵管细胞因子。
- In human beings,the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth,as distinguished from the earlier embryo. 胎儿,人类从开始怀孕的第八个星期到出生这一期间的有别于更早期的胚胎的幼儿。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- In human beings, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after conception to the moment of birth, as distinguished from the earlier embryo. 胎儿人类从开始怀孕的第八个星期到出生这一期间的有别于更早期的胚胎的幼儿
- Mitalipov said separate experiments obtained monkey stem cells from a different process called parthenogenesis, in which an egg grows into an early embryo without any genetic contribution from a male. 米塔李波夫说从其他方法得到的猴子干细胞的单个实验叫做单性生殖。在此过程中,雄性猴子对卵子生长成为早期胚胎没有任何基因贡献。