- early Qin culture 秦早期文化
- Confucianism and Taoism run through the entire history of the Chinese traditional Qin culture. 中国传统琴道文化作为中国传统文化的一个典范,其内涵博大精深。
- The elderly professor knows everything from the early Qin Dynasty to recent times, and from Jing, Shi, Zi to Ji, the last of which is his specialty. 从先秦到近代,老教授经史子集靡不贯通,尤以集部为最精。
- The Qin Zi Ji gui lid in the collection of Zhen Qin zhai is a new discovery of Spring and Autumn period early Qin epigraphic material. 摘要珍秦斋藏秦子姬簋盖是新发现的春秋早期秦铭文材料。
- West Han Dynasty to the early Qin Dynasty replaced the original gun Xue Lu, Zhi Lu where the county (this, Shandong Qufu). 西汉朝初将秦朝原来的薛郡改为鲁国,治所在鲁县(今山东曲阜)。
- It originated from early Qin period, developed initially during Han and Tang dynasties and promoted enormously in modern times. 汉民族凝聚力发端于先秦,初步发展于汉唐,提升于宋元明清,升华于近现代。
- Therefore there were only dialectical thought and dialectical ideology, not dialectical logic Science in ancient China (early Qin Dynasty). 因此,中国古代先秦时期只有辩证思维、辩证思想,没有辩证逻辑科学。
- The study about the mausoloeum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terra-Cotta Warrior have provided many information and material for the study of the Qin culture being on the rise in the cutural study. 秦俑秦陵研究,从微观的名物考释到宏观的史学探索,出版了很多专著和论文,丰富了秦文化研究,使秦文化成为文化学研究中的热门学科,并形成了独具魅力的“秦俑学”。
- Confucius is the founder of Confucianism, both Mencius and Xunzi are the inheritor of Confucianism in early Qin period, and they make great contribution to the development of Confucianism. 孔子是儒学的创始人,孟子和荀子都是先秦时期儒家学说的继承人,都对儒学的发展作出过巨大贡献。
- Its birth and development had a lot to do with the early Qin Dynasty poems,but should owe its real origin to "Ode to Oranges" written by Qu Yuan and "Prose Writtings" by Xun Qin, which had already contained the three features. 诗体赋的产生和发展脱离不了与先秦诗歌的关系,但真正作为诗体赋的滥觞,应当是屈原的《橘颂》和荀卿的《赋篇》五(?) ,它们已经基本具备了诗体赋的三个特征。
- Generally, all the early Qin fables are explanatory notes to their own viewpoints and philosophical thoughts, but they have positive critical significance in terms of satirizing reality. 先秦诸子寓言一般是为给各自观点及哲学思想做佐注,但就其讽刺现实这一客观效果来看是一致的,具有积极的批判意义。
- China was reunified in A.D. 589 by the short-lived Sui dynasty (A.D. 581-617), which has often been compared to the earlier Qin dynasty in the ruthlessness of its accomplishments. 公元589年-隋朝,中国再次统一了。隋朝(公元581-617)的统治时间很短,人们因它残暴的统治而常常把它比作是早期的秦朝。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- Confucius, a thinker of the early Qin Dynasty 中国先秦思想家孔子
- Confucians vs. Mohist in the early Qin Dynasty 先秦儒墨
- Qin culture in archaeological perspective: from a feudal state to great empire 秦文化:从封国到帝国的考古学观察
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。
- I finished work unexpectedly early. 我的工作意外地提早做完。
- We will get up early and do some housework. 我们将早起并且做点家务。
- Forgive me so early to call up you please. 请原谅我这么早给你打电话。