- When the clouds roll by I'll come to you. 当乌云卷来过,我会向你奔去。
- Extraction of polymyxin E by foam separation was studied. 重点研究了泡沫分离提取多粘菌素E的工艺。
- Learn to thank mothers by “I Love You: A Rebus Poem”. 藉由阅读”我爱你”故事一书学习向母亲表达感谢之意。
- Of entire industry live to also be browbeaten badly by I. 全行业的生存也受到I严重的威胁。
- Many infections will respond to 750mgt d s by i.m. or by i v. 许多感染可用肌肉注射或静脉注射750毫升,每日三次即可见效。
- With nearly 3 years passing by I have to reorientate my future. 转眼快3年过去了,我要重新确定我未来的方向。
- D rought s and flood s make wors e by climate change and growing competition for water. 气候的变化致使干旱和洪灾的情况十分严重,水资源需要不断短缺。
- The theoretical response correlates well with dynamic testing of an engineering pil e by the reflective wave method. 理论计算响应与工程桩的反射波法动测结果有较好的相关性。
- By and by I made another diversion, and beguiled her to sketch her story. 不一会,我又想法子往旁处岔,花言巧语地把她那么一哄,她就居然把她的故事粗枝大叶地说了一遍。
- Reference value (emission content): Obtain the valu e by any of the following methods. 標準值(排放濃度):由以下測試方法所得量測值。
- It was whispered e by slaves and abolitionists as they Sex lazedtltrab oward freedom. 它在奴隶和废奴主义者中口耳相传,照亮了他们艰辛的自由之路。
- As they swoop by I see sharp, bloodied teeth, a wicked demonic smile. 他们猛扑我看见锋利,流血的牙,邪恶的恶魔般的微笑。
- Conclusion: The sus tainable development of the hospital can be insured by i... 结论应用以人为本的管理理念,保证了医院的可持续性发展。
- As i s k nown, we s e t gr e a t s t or e by t he t r a de r e l a t i ons hi p wi t h t he t hi r d wor l d c ount r i e s . 众所周知,我们十分重视同第三世界国家的贸易关系。众所周知,我们十分重视同第三世界国家的贸易关系。
- Editd e by Pauline Yu,University of California Press Berdeley los Angeles,California,1994 by The Regents of the university of Californinia. 参见周云龙:;2001年柳永学术会论文.
- In the advanced musical teaching, the aim of having harmonics cour se is to make the students understand and grasp music better in art practic e by learning the theory. 高师音乐教学中,开设和声课的目的在于让学生通过学习和掌握这一理论,在艺术实践中更好地认识和把握音乐。
- The seeds of inbreed line S37 were carried into outer spac e by satellite in 1994.These seeds were planted in field and self -pollinated for several generations. 利用返回式实验卫星搭载玉米自交系S37的种子,通过遗传交配设计对其后代株系进行农艺性状的配合力分析。
- e by iabbr. =execution by injection 注射处死
- This instrument can produce not only defined signal in common us e by utilizing important saved data and relevant arithmetic, but also user-defi ned signal. 另外,采用与计算机类似的模块设计方法,使其具有很好的扩展性。
- I mentioned this point by way of cautioning you. 我提出了这一点用以警告你。