- The distribution of components inside SMB column was simulated.The results showed that the SMB process was a dynamical equilibrium system. 分析模拟移动床色谱柱内物料浓度的分布情况,表明色谱分离是一个动态平衡的过程。
- Abstract: Thing contradictory both sides have the trend balanced natural disposition, the things develop direction always tend to comprehensive, the best dynamical equilibrium. 摘要:事物矛盾双方都有趋向平衡的本性,事物发展方向总是趋向综合的、最佳的动态平衡。
- Taking into account of the none local thermal dynamical equilibrium processes, the X-ray and EUV spectra of Be-like O ions are calculated using the relativistic multi-configuration atomic package FAC. 根据非局域热动平衡状态下谱线形成理论;利用相对论多组态原子程序软件包FAC模拟了类铍氧离子的X射线及EUV光谱.
- At the top and bottom of a common feature of a dynamic equilibrium is reached. 底部和顶部有一个共同特征,就是达成了一种动态平衡。
- The crankshaft checked in dynamic equilibrium ensures the enggine running smothly. 经过精确动平衡的曲轴,使柴油机运行平稳。
- dynamical equilibrium of total cultivated land 耕地总量动态平衡
- And its normal or not plays a very important part is the key in stabilizing blood sugar in dynamic equilibrium. 其正常与否,是血糖能否稳定在一种动态平衡之中的关键。
- The barycenter of substance culture of library is the diversified quality of material resources and ha dynamic equilibrium. 图书馆物质文化的重心是物质资源的多样性和动态平衡。
- Last, adjust to the dynamic equilibrium as a result of commit to the rule is pictured by economic dynamics. 最后,使用经济的动态学描述了对这个规则的承诺所导致的动态均衡调整过程。
- The dynamic equilibrium data of methyl acetate on Calgon AC could be correlated by Freundlich equation. 由动态吸附数据计算得到的醋酸甲酯的平衡数据,用Freundlich方程进行了关联。
- The key to achieve dynamic equilibrium of translation is to deal well with the relation ship between content and form. 要达到翻译的动态对等,关键是处理好形意间的平衡关系。
- The dynamic equilibrium formula of the vaporization of infusing water was presented. 提出了注入水分蒸发的力学平衡公式;
- After the introduction of the game theory, it mostly used to study the dynamic equilibrium of the collusion. 博弈论引入后的分析则更多的是时合谋均衡的动态研究;
- All the bioeconomic parameters estimated from the dynamic equilibrium ecosystem will be definitely traced and reevaluated yearly in future to manage the resource efficiently. 针对本研究所估算生物经济之各类参数,未来应持续追踪,并重覆修正,提升该资源经济之管理效率。
- The elements it cradles are in a dynamic equilibrium with the cycling composition of the atmosphere and water and biosphere. 它所抚育的各种元素,也是通过大气、水和生物圈所组成的循环而处于一种动态的平衡之中。
- Any subsystem, such as the economy, must at some point cease growing and adapt itself to a dynamic equilibrium, something like a steady state. 任何次系统,例如经济,必然会在某个时刻停止生长,达到动态平衡,就好像静止一般。
- The dynamic equilibrium of culture medium and production could be reached though coupling of fermentation and separation. 通过过滤膜与罐的一体耦合实现了液态培养基的连续补料和发酵代谢产物的连续分离。
- The gravitational binding means that the galaxies and other material within a mature cluster have settled into an overall dynamic equilibrium. 重力束缚的意思是在一个成熟的星系团中,星系与其他物质已经达到稳定的整体动态平衡。
- Acording to the interaction between wheel and track, and considering the track irregularity, the dynamic equilibrium equations of the VBS are derived. 根据轮轨间的相互作用,并考虑轨道的不平顺,推导了车-桥系统的动力方程。
- A boring central banker is somebody who blindly follows a stochastic dynamic equilibrium model, a strangely sanitized world free of money and credit. 令人烦恼的中央银行都是那些盲目追随随机变动均衡模型,认为干净的世界免于货币和信贷的干扰。