- The dynamic yielding stress(DYS) of SBP was calculated by using Taylor theory. 实验模拟了单基火药与弹底的高速撞击,运用泰勒理论计算了单基火药的动态屈服应力。
- dynamic yield stress 动态屈服应力
- Yield stress is the stress at which a material begins to deform plastically. 屈服应力是材料开始发生塑性形变时的压力大小。
- From the measured Hugoniot data of 2? armco-iron,the variation of dynamic yield strength with the stresses ranging up to 50 kbar has been given. 根据实验测得的2~%23纯铁的雨贡纽数据,给出了50千巴以内的动力学屈服强度随应力的变化。
- Test Method for Yield Stress of Heterogeneous Propellants by the Cone Penetration Method (05. 用针入法测定非均质推进剂的屈服应力的试验方法(05。
- During a laser peening event,pressures well above the dynamic yield strength of the material are imparted to the target in a fraction of nanoseconds. 当激光诱导冲击波的峰值超过材料的动态屈服极限时,板料冲击区的表层发生微观塑性变形,导致了板料厚度方向上不均匀应力分布,使板料发生宏观变形。
- The relations between viscoelsticity and yield stress, thixotropy need to be studied for the theoretical breakthrough. 建议进一步研究含蜡原油粘弹性与屈服应力、触变性的关系,在机理研究方面加大力度;
- Viscoelasticity is related to some properties such as gel point, gel strength, yield stress and thixotropy. 粘弹性与胶凝温度、胶凝强度、屈服应力和触变性等参数有关。
- In this model, strain softening after the upper yield stress in the first 1/4 cycle is taken into account. 模型中考虑了材料在初始1/4循环加载时达到上屈服限后的应变软化现象。
- This paper introduced a new method of testing the static yield stress of electrorheological (ER) fluids. 本文介绍了一种新的电流变液静态屈服应力测试方法。
- If an applied stress or pressure drop is not sufficient to break the gel or exceed the yield stress, no flow will occur. 如果施加的应力或压降不足以破坏凝胶或不足以超过屈服应力,则不会有流动产生。
- The order of Casson yield stress was: Anguilla japonica Temminck et Schlegel>Ctenopharyngodon idellus> Ophiocephalus argus Cantor. 卡松屈服应力:鳗鲡>草鱼>乌鳢;
- The dynamic yield strength and elastic constants of 2# armco-iron and stainless steel at HEL(Hugoniot Elastic Limit) Point were determined by using the shock compression technique. 由2~%23纯铁和不锈钢的冲击压缩实验,确定了它们在HEL(雨贡纽弹性极限)点上的动力学屈服强度和弹性常数。
- Moreover, it had better strength and anti-shear ability with elastic modulus 2.7kPa and yield stress 5.0kPa under a certain crosslinker concentration. 污泥水膨体吸水后的强度和韧性较好;在一定交联剂浓度下弹性模量和屈服应力分别达2.;7kPa和5
- Variors factors affe cting ERF's yield stress are analyzed in this article, using modle of dipole we have caculated the maximum of ERF's yield stress. 该文分析了影响电流变流体屈服应力的各种因素,并应用基于偶极子假设所推出的屈服应力公式算出了电流变流体的屈眼应力极限值。
- Otherwise, the pastes with wide particle distribution have higher yield stress, lower dieland wall shear stress, and paste was easily extruded. 粒度分布较宽的含有细碳化硅的挤压物料具有高的屈服值和低的滑移膜初始剪切应力,使物料在模段内容易实现挤出。
- The results show that the influences of the glass beads content and its diameter on the tensile yield stress and strain at yield are not significant. 结果显示,微珠含量及其直径对复合物的拉伸屈服应力和屈服发生时的应变影响不太明显。
- Stress levels computed for 50-year storm loadings shall not exceed the yield stress of the material, accounting for buckling where appropriate. 50年一遇风暴载荷条件下计算的应力水平应不超过材料的屈服应力,适当时包括弯曲。
- In addition, there is notable increase in porosity compare with tiny change of yield stress results from the shorter sintering time of the PCH process. 孔隙率明显的变化和屈服强度微小的变化说明PCH过程中保温时间对孔隙率的影响要大于其对屈服强度的影响,这也证明了PCH能在短时内烧结得出性能较好的多孔材料。
- Various rheological indicators of xanthan gum, such as PVI, shear thinning, yield stress, creep and recovery, are determined to study its unique rheological property . 通过测定黄原胶各项流变指数,研究其独特的流变性能,探讨其应用于分散染料印花中作为增稠剂的可能性;