- dynamic system reconfigurafion 动态可重构
- Every dynamic system needs continuous readjustment. 每一动态系统都需要不断地再调整。
- This is a coupled nonparabolic dissipative dynamic system. 这是一个耦合的非抛物耗散动力系统。
- It's a probability adjustment describing a dynamic system wi hidden states. 这是针对有隐藏因素的动态系统的 概率校正
- AI aircraft use the same flight dynamic system as player-controlled aircraft. 人工智能飞机与玩家飞机使用相同的动力学模型系统。
- A new method to evaluate HRV was presented based on dynamic system models. 本文提出了一种基于动态系统模型以研究心率变异性的新方法。
- Computer art generated from dynamical system. 动力系统产生的计算机图形艺术。
- In the first section, we introduce some notions and known results about topo-logical dynamic system. 在第一节中,我们介绍有关拓扑动力系统的一些基本概念和已知结果。
- This paper presents a sufficient condition for the asymptotic stability and geometry-velocity stability of the time-varying discrete dynamic system. 摘要对时变离散动态系统给出了判断其渐近稳定和几何速度稳定的充分条件。
- Since RNN inducts feedback, it is a nonlinear dynamical system. 由于递归神经网络引入反馈,所以它是一个非线性动力学系统。
- For the dynamic system with the measurement equation and state equation, the robust FDD approach is discussed. 对基于系统量测方程和状态方程的动态系统,研究了系统的鲁棒故障检测与诊断(FDD)问题。
- A modeling method for nonlinear dynamic system based on Support Vector Regression (SVR) was proposed in this paper. 提出一种基于支持向量回归机(SVR)的非线性动态系统建模方法。
- Flexible Manufacturing System(FMS) is a typical Discrete Events Dynamic System(DEDS). 柔性制造系统(FMS)是一种典型的离散事件动态系统(DEDS)。
- Continuum Theory and Dynamical Systems ? 连续统理论与动力系统
- Based on the test results of TCSC dynamic system simulation, the steady impedance characteristics of TCSC are studied. 动模实验证明,所研制的动模装置性能可靠。
- G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, and M. Workman, “Digital Control of Dynamic System”, Addison-Wesley, Inc. 1998. 古正杰,"不断电系统数位控制器之研制",国立成功大学硕士论文,中华民国85年。
- The state space of piecewise linear dynamic system is cut into some linear subspaces by several switching surfaces. 分段线性动态系统的状态空间被切换面分割成若干个线性子区间。
- Psychodynamic, which is a concept of Psychology, is a dynamic system and a basic drive power of man"s behaviors. 心理动力是一个心理学概念,是人的行为的动力系统,是一个人行为的原动力。
- Baker Transformation is a classic transformation in dynamic systems. 面包师变换是动力系统中一个非常经典的变换 [1] .
- Abstract Baker Transformation is a classic transformation in dynamic systems . 摘 要 面包师变换是动力系统中一个非常经典的变换 。