- dynamic strain meter 动态应变仪
- The figures Characterization System Includs the strain meter, Gauss Meter and platinum resistance sensor;with the computers and A/D, D/A expansion boards. 它们分别由应变仪、高斯计及铂电阻为传感器,与计算机及其A/D,D/A扩展板组成数字表征系统。
- A dynamic strain gage is developed for dynamic stress test at900℃ of turbine rotor blades of an aeroengine. 为了对某型航空发动机涡轮转子叶片在900℃温下进行动应力测试,研制了900℃态应变计。
- The serration flow phenomenon is associated with dynamic strain aging (DSA) and yield a negative strain-rate dependence of the flow stress. 结果表明: 易拉罐用铝材在形变过程中会出现动态应变时效现象;
- A method is introduced to calculate the dynamic strain of themooring anchor chain in collision and some related problems arediscussed. 介绍系泊浮体受外碰撞时锚链动态张力计算方法,并对动态张力的若干问题进行了讨论.
- With the increase of initial deviator stress, the dynamic elastic modulus increases greatly under the same level of dynamic strain. 在相同的动应变水平下,随着初始偏移应力的增加,土体动弹性模量有较大幅度的增加;
- Dynamic Strain Aging (DSA) is a strengthening phenomenon in metals and alloys caused by the interaction between the diffusive solute atoms and the moving dislocation. 动态应变时效是在金属和合金中,移动着的溶质原子和运动中的位错发生交互作用时所出现的一种强化现象。
- Dynamic strain of flexible beam was measured by pasted FBG strain sensor, and the results were compared with that by acceleration sensor of piezoelectric ceramic. 摘要研究了粘贴式光纤布拉格光栅应变传感器对柔性梁的动态响应特性,并用压电陶瓷加速度传感器作对照。
- The silt distributing abroad in Hangzhou bay was chosen as research object to evaluate the effect of vibration frequency on dynamic strain and dynamic strength of silt. 试验选用杭州湾地区分布较广的粉土,研究了振动频率的变化对粉土动应变和动强度的影响。
- Abstrct: How to simulate jointed rock mass effectively under the condition of lab is analyzed through thd super dynamic strain simulated test of practical jointed rock mass. 通过实际的节理岩体爆破超动态应变模拟试验,分析了如何在实验室条件下有效地模拟节理岩体并对节理岩体的超动态应变测试方法进行了初步探索。
- Unbonded elastic wire resistance type strain meter 差动电阻式应变计
- anomalies of strain meter at Liuhe seismic station 六合体应变异常
- In addition, the research also makes it clear that damping ratio markedly rises with the augmentation of dynamic strain, and falls as the enhance of confining pressure or consolidation ratio. 同时,砂卵石土的阻尼比具有随动应变增大而增大,随着围压或固结比的增加而减小的变化规律。
- The result shows that the dynamic modulus of sandy pebble soil reduces nonlinearly with the accretion of dynamic strain, but increases with consolidation ratio, and affected little by the vibration frequency. 试验结果表明,砂卵石土呈现出动弹性模量随动应变的增大而非线性地降低,动荷载频率对动弹性模量影响很小,动弹性模量随着固结比的增大而显著增大的规律。
- This paper introduces the implementation of data acquisition and disposal system of dynamic strain test by Visual Basic 6.0(VB6.0) , MATCOM and Dynamic Link Libraries(DLL)on Windows platfonn. 本文介绍了在Windows平台下;用Visual Basic 6.;0(VB6
- The dynamic pressure of drill bit,etc. ,has been measured and analysed in test drill rig by using pressure transducer dynamic strain analyzer,charge amplifier and CRAS random signal and vibration analysis system. 本文在试验台架上安装压力传感器、利用动态应变仪、电荷放大器以及 CRAS随机信号和振动分析系统进行了钻头动态压力测试和分析。
- The design of FZY-1 type multi-component borehole strain meter FZY-1型多分量式钻孔应变仪的设计
- Abstract The influence factors, such as grid size, evaluating phase and evaluating position,in determination of forming limit curves (FLCs) were researched by dynamic strain determination method. 摘要 采用动态应变测量方法对成形极限曲线(FLC)检测中网格的大小,测量的时机(破裂前或破裂后测量),测量的位置等因素进行了试验研究。
- dynamic strain optical coefficient 动态光弹(性)系数
- Dual Port RAM Using in Dynamic Strain Gauge 双端口RAM在动态应变仪中的应用