- dynamic scheduling controller 动态调度控制器
- Simulation results show the effectiveness of the scheduling control strategy. 仿真结果验证了所提出调度控制策略的有效性。
- A new agent-based dynamic scheduling approach for semiconductor wafer fabrication was proposed, which integrated release control, dispatching and machine preventive maintenance scheduling. 摘要基于智能体技术,提出了芯片制造生产线动态调度新方法,实现了投料调度、工件调度与设备维护调度的集成。
- Dynamic scheduling algorithm for real-time multiprocessor systems is an important subject in real-time system research. 实时多处理器系统的动态调度算法一直是实时系统研究中的重要课题。
- In addition, a hierarchic algorithm is proposed to solve the dynamic scheduling of the model. 而下达的静态调度计划仅仅作为生产的参考。
- The algorithm provides a chance to simplify FMS dynamic scheduling and improve system productivity. 此算法为简化FMS的动态调度和提高系统生产率创造了条件。
- The two-tier end-to-end dynamic scheduling model is put forward, and its implementation and performance test are given out. 作者为此提出了一个端到端的两层动态实时调度模型,并给出了其具体实现和性能分析。
- A dynamic scheduling method for aperiodic soft real-time systems is introduced, which is based on DM scheduling algorithm. 本文介绍了一种针对非周期软实时系统的动态调度方法。
- Which of the following is not an input to schedule control? 下列哪个因素不是进度控制的输入?
- A rolling horizon procedure (RHP) is used in solving a kind of single-machine dynamic scheduling problems with release times. 摘要将滚动时域方法用于一类单机动态调度问题,对其调度子问题进行改进。
- Abstract: A dynamic scheduling method for aperiodic soft real-time systems is introduced, which is based on DM scheduling algorithm. 文章摘要: 本文介绍了一种针对非周期软实时系统的动态调度方法。
- Several approachs are introduced for dynamic scheduling algorithm of real-time multiprocessor,and are analyzed,contrasted and researched. 该文首先介绍了实时多处理器动态调度的几种方法,并对这些方法进行了分析、对比和研究。
- According to the analysis of dynamic scheduling for steelmaking-continuous casting process, a dynamic scheduling model based on just-in-time principle is formulated. 摘要通过对炼钢-连铸生产动态调度问题的分析,建立了基于准时制思想的炼钢-连铸生产动态调度模型。
- fuzzy gain scheduling controller 模糊自整定控制器
- Application integration system need to deal with lots of information,so WG-EAI engine constructure and dynamic scheduling algorithm is provided to solve the network block and keep balance. 然后,论文针对企业集成系统需要快速高效的处理海量信息的特点,引入网格环境来设计WG-EAI引擎,提出了WG-EAI引擎的架构和动态实现算法,以解决WG-EAI系统中网络拥塞、服务超载的问题。
- Have experience in Design, Procurement or Construction Management and familiar with Cost, Quality, Schedule Control. 具有设计,采购或施工管理经验并熟悉费用控制、质量控制和进度控制。
- Assist the schedule control manager to develop and prepare monthly progress report. 协助计划控制经理编制和汇总公司的月度项目进展报告;
- It also designs and implements the dynamic scheduling of multiple tasks on multiple single-chip-microcomputers using the idea of data driven fashion, multiple copies and automatic self allocate process (ASAP). 并且采用数据驱动的方式,引入多重副本,进程自调度ASAP思想设计并实现了多个任务在多个单片机上的动态调度。
- Work with design team for implementing engineering functions and project schedule control. 和设计团队一起工作,执行工程职能并进行项目进度控制。
- The SASS algorithm proposed here realizes the dynamic scheduling of service roaming based on fine granularity without centralized control. With the expanded TCP protocol, it implements the autonomous fine-grained connection migration mechanism for WANs. 本文提出的随机自治可生存调度(SASS)算法在细粒度无集中控制的基础上实现服务漂移的动态调度,它使用扩充了的TCP协议实现广域网环境自治的细粒度连接迁移机制。