- dynamic deviator stress 动偏应力
- With the increase of initial deviator stress, the dynamic elastic modulus increases greatly under the same level of dynamic strain. 在相同的动应变水平下,随着初始偏移应力的增加,土体动弹性模量有较大幅度的增加;
- However, the change of the frequency has little effect on the degradation of dynamic elastic modulus.The effect of initial deviator stress is significant. 试验结果表明,随着应变的增大,不同频率荷载作用下土样的动弹性模量逐渐减小,但频率的变化对动弹性模量的衰减规律影响很小;
- In the unloading process, with the increase of deviator stress and the strain, the soil sample took on a dilatancy trend and showed a large negative pore pressure. 在卸荷过程中,随剪切应力的增大和剪切应变的发展,土样呈现剪胀趋势并在后期产生较大的负孔隙水压力。
- The first set of tests was that mean stress p was constant while deviator stress q changed; the second set of tests was that q was constant while p changed. 做了2种应力路径下的三轴排水剪切试验:平均应力等于常数、偏应力变化的剪切试验以及偏应力等于常数、平均应力变化的剪切试验。
- Experimental results showed that the resilient modulus of unsaturated cohesive subgrade soils reduced with the increase of deviator stress and the decrease of matric suction. 研究结果显示重复荷载下之偏应力愈大则回弹模量愈小,且回弹模量随基质吸力的增加而增加。
- The dynamic elastic modulus and damping ratio of normally consolidated soft clay subjected to undrained cyclic triaxial loading are investigated at different initial deviator stresses. 通过对萧山正常固结饱和软黏土进行应力控制的循环三轴试验,着重研究了初始偏应力对动弹模量(土动剪模量)及阻尼比的影响。
- We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen. 我们正在寻找充满活力的销售人员。
- Damage Analysis on Coal and Rocks and the Method of the Checking Damage by the Deviator Stress 煤岩损伤分析及偏应力检测法
- The latest experimental results of rock creep were used: the third invariant of deviator stress tensor had greater effect on creep properties; 文中应用了课题组近期岩石流变实验研究的结果:应力偏量第三不变量对岩石蠕变影响显著;
- deviator stress 偏应力
- Every dynamic system needs continuous readjustment. 每一动态系统都需要不断地再调整。
- initial deviator stress 初始偏应力
- The conflict process is a dynamic phenomenon. 冲突过程是一种动态现象。
- This is the first main crux of dynamic theory. 这是动态学说第一个主要的难题。
- Dynamic RAM's need to be refreshed periodically. 动态RAM则需要周期性地刷新数据。
- initial static deviator stress 初始静偏应力
- static deviator stress 静偏应力
- In the dynamic case motion is often harmonic. 在动态情况下,运动通常为谐运动。
- The results are dynamic paintings. 其结果是画有力度。