- For the detection of Rice dwarf virus(RDV) from single leafhopper and leaf,the dot-blotted hybridization method based on molecular biology were established. 快速从水稻叶片和单头介体昆虫中检测水稻矮缩病毒的斑点分子杂交。
- The rice gall dwarf virus(RGDV) had seriously occurred several times since early 1980s and has an increasing trend recently in the southwest of Guangdong province. 水稻瘤矮病自在国内被发现和报道以来已发生多次较大的流行,近年来都是中等偏重发病,并有不断蔓延趋势。
- The full length cDNA of the genome segment (S9) of Rice gall dwarf virus Xinyi isolate (RGDV-C) was cloned and the complete nucleotide sequence was determined. 应用RT-PCR技术克隆了水稻瘤矮病毒(RGDV)中国广东信宜分离物(RGDV-C)的基因组S9片段,测定了全序列并进行了生物信息学分析。
- Hunan is one of the most important citrus producers in China, but its citriculture suffers from several virus diseases such as Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV), Citrus Tatter Leaf Virus (CTLV), Citrus Exocortis Viroid (CEVd), Satsuma Dwarf Virus (SDV) etc. 作为柑橘大省,湖南近年来先后报道了柑橘衰退病(Citrus Tristeza Virus,CTV)、碎叶病(Citrus Tatter Leaf Virus,CTLV)、裂皮病(Citrus Exocortis Viroid,CEVd)和温州蜜柑萎缩病(Satsuma Dwarf Virus,SDV)等病毒类病害的存在,为我省柑橘病毒的预防敲响警钟。
- A simple method was used to adapt refined needles for the collection of Th.intermedium 2Ai-2 chromosome carrying BYDV (barley yellow dwarf virus) resistance gene from meiosis-metaphase spreads . 本研究利用微细玻璃针法从减数分裂中期I的花粉母细胞中分离回收了携带小麦抗黄矮病基因的中间偃麦草染色体2Ai-2。
- Indirect ELISE of leaf extracts of tillered onion plants showed positive reaction with the antisera against onion yellow dwarf virus,leek yellow stripe virus,complex garlic viruses. 酶联免疫测试和洋葱黄矮病毒抗血清、韭葱黄条纹病毒抗血清、大蒜复合病毒抗血清呈阳性反应。
- Rice Black Streak Dwarf Virus, RBSDV 和水稻黑条矮缩病毒
- Occurrence and control of rice dwarf virus 水稻普通矮缩病的发生与防治
- black streaked dwarf virus of rice 水稻黑条矮缩病
- Barley yellow dwarf virus(BYDV); 大麦黄矮病毒;
- Rice black stripe dwarf virus disease 水稻黑条矮缩病
- Potato unmottled curly dwarf virus 马铃薯无斑曲矮病毒
- There is a dwarf apple tree in our garden. 在我们的花园里有一棵矮苹果树。
- Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) 大麦黄矮病毒
- Maize chlorotic dwarf virus group 玉米缺绿病矮小病毒组
- maize chlorotic dwarf virus(MCDV) 玉米褪绿矮缩病毒
- apple Malus platycarpa dwarf virus 苹果矮化病毒
- Eggplant mottled dwarf virus(EMDV) 茄斑驳矮化病毒