- On The Legal Status Of Directors'Duty Of Good Faith 论董事诚信义务的法律地位
- The independent directors shall bear the duties of good faith and due diligence toward the listed company and all the shareholders. 独立董事对公司及全体股东负有诚信与勤勉义务。
- He did that as a token of good faith. 他那橛做是为了表示诚意。
- Friendship lasts only on the basis of good faith. 你认为朋友要以诚相待。你说,友谊的基础是真诚
- He did that in token of good faith. 他那样做是为了表示诚意。
- Do you know the significance of good faith? 你知道诚信的重要性吗?
- Do you know the ponderance of good faith ? 妳知道诚信的重要性吗?
- The gnawing problem is one of “good faith. 这里面牵涉到复杂的“信用”问题。
- duty of good faith 诚信义务
- The content of habitatio includes the right of house possession and use, the duty of administration with good faith, preservation and restitution and so on. 居住权的内容包括居住权人的占有权、使用权,善良管理义务,维修义务和返还义务等。
- Obligation of Good Faith Every contract or duty within this Act imposes an obligation of good faith in its performance or enforcement. 诚信义务本法调整的所有合同或义务在履行或执行时应遵循诚信原则。
- Culpa in contrahendo means the damages responsibility born by involved parties of contract who breach the precontractual duty against principle of good faith. 本文通过对缔约过失责任的立法比较,分五章对缔约过失责任的基本问题进行了深入的研究。
- They handed over the weapons as a gesture of good faith. 他们交出武器以示诚意。
- Any other conduct which violates the principle of good faith. 有其他违背诚实信用原则的行为。
- On Insurer's Continuing Duty of Utmost Good Faith 保险人的合同后诚信义务
- Legislation is the duty of a congress. 立法是国会的职责。
- Higher schools should fulfill the duty of care of good administrators, fulfill the medium standard and rational limitation of the duty of care. 学生伤害事故中高校应尽到善良管理人应尽的注意义务,履行中等标准和合理限度的注意义务。
- It's the duty of the police to preserve the public order. 维护公共秩序是警察的职责。
- director's duties of good faith 董事诚信义务
- It's good to put off the duty of the manager. 卸去总理的责任是有好处的。