- The dutiable value shall be rounded off to RMB fen. 完税价格采用四舍五入法计算至分。
- Export duties shall not be included into the dutiable value. 出口关税不计入完税价格。
- Article 3 The customs houses shall be governed by these Measures when assessing and determining the dutiable value of import and export goods. 第三条海关审查确定进出口货物的完税价格,应当适用本办法。
- Where the customs considers it necessary, the duty payer shall provide such documentation as to determine the classification, dutiable value, place of origin, etc. of the goods. 海关认为必要时,纳税义务人还应当提供确定商品归类、完税价格、原产地等所需的相关资料。
- As such, it is more possible for enterprises to be tripal taxed if customs make adjustments on dutiable value by adding royalties back to the dutiable value. 应当特别注意的是,如果海关就特许权使用费做出价格调整,则企业可能面临三重征税。
- Article 2 The customs houses shall observe the principles of objectiveness, fairness and unification when assessing and determining the dutiable value of import and export goods. 第二条海关审查确定进出口货物的完税价格,应当遵循客观、公平、统一的原则。
- Consequently, enterprise shall be cautious on whether royalty could be deemed as part of dutiable value when importing goods from overseas related parties. 据此,如果企业向境外关联企业购入货物,应当特别注意支付的特许权使用费是否可能被海关认定为“进口货物价格的组成部分”。
- Article 2 The Customs shall observe the assessment principles of objectiveness, fairness and unification, and assess the dutiable value of import and export goods in accordance with these Measures. 第二条海关应当遵循客观、公平、统一的估价原则,依据本办法审定进出口货物的完税价格。
- In case an inspection is needed to determine the classification, dutiable value, and place of origin of the goods, the duty payment form shall be issued or modified after the inspection is completed. 需要通过对货物进行查验确定商品归类、完税价格、原产地的,应当在查验核实之后填发或者更改税款缴款书。
- Where there are many transaction values of the identical or similar goods, the dutiable value shall be assessed and determined on the basis of the lowest transaction value. 如果有多个相同或者类似货物的成交价格,应当以最低的成交价格为基础审查确定进口货物的完税价格。
- If there are many transaction values of the identical or similar goods, the dutiable value shall be assessed on the basis of the lowest transaction value. 如果有多个相同或类似货物的成交价格,应当以最低的成交价格为基础估定进口货物的完税价格。
- No, I have not got any dutiable thing with me. 没有,我没带应交税的东西。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。
- The value of your assistance is inestimable. 阁下鼎立相助之功不可胜言。
- Interest expenses satisfying all of the following conditions shall not be included in the dutiable value 同时符合下列条件的利息费用不计入完税价格
- I am doubtful about the value of your proposal. 我怀疑你的提议是否有价值。
- I can take nothing you say at face value. 我不会把你说的话当真的。
- The experience gained will be of great value to us. 所取得的经验对我们有很大价值。
- A bauble is a showy ornament of little value. 廉价珠宝是华而不实的装饰品。