- dust removal plant [机] 除尘设备
- Dust removal efficiency to meet national emission standards. 除尘效果完全达到国家粉尘排放标准。
- The single exception to this rule is sensor dust removal. 唯一的例外就是去除相机图象传感器上灰尘导致的照片污点。
- Dust removal equipment users can choose wet duse removal or bag dust removal. 除尘设备用户可选择湿式除尘和袋式除尘。
- dust removing plant 除尘设备
- Technology of water mist duster with power is a new dust Removal technology. 荷电水雾除尘技术是一种新型的除尘技术。
- The technology for" combining stack and cooling tower into one" means to delete the existing stack in the coal-fired power plant and emit the flue gas from the boiler through the natural ventilating cooling tower after desulfurization and dust removal. 烟塔合一”技术,即取消火电厂中的烟囱,将锅炉经除尘脱硫后排出的烟气,经自然通风冷却塔排放到大气中。
- The State encourages enterprises to adopt advanced technology for desulphurization and dust removal. 国家鼓励企业采用先进的脱硫、除尘技术。
- The technical basis to transform CO2 removal plant of Liuzhou fertilizer factory from Benfield method into active MDEA method was illustrated. 介绍了柳州化肥厂脱CO2装置由苯菲尔法改为活化MDEA法的工艺改造依据。
- Practice on Dust Removal for the Tap of Blast Furnace No.1 And No.2 Of Lingyuan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. 凌钢1号、2号高炉出铁场除尘工程。
- Features: cyclone outer casing and internal bag integrated design for two functions of dust removal. 特点:外壳旋风式,内部袋式组合一体设计,使机组有两组处理功能。
- The working principle and construction design of GL series filter based-on dust removal windows shutter are introduced. 摘要介绍了以除尘百叶窗为基础设计的GL系列过滤器的工作原理和结构设计,将它与同类产品进行了比较,分析了它的工作特性。
- There is a three-year guarantee with this dust remover. 这个吸尘器的保修期为三年。
- An account about the application of ultrasonic nebulization technique in dust removing in xinqiao pyrite mineral processing plant is given. 就超声雾化抑尘技术在新桥硫铁矿选矿厂除尘中的应用情况进行了论述。
- Defluorination, desulfuration and dust removal can be completed with a same adsorption equipment at the same time. 结果表明:在一个吸收设备内,可同时实现烟气的脱氟、脱硫和除尘。
- PTFE fibers are widely used in the refuse burning and dust removal of high sulphur coal. 用PTFE纤维制成的滤材广泛应用于垃圾焚烧、高硫煤除尘等领域。
- The COD, ammonia and total nitrogen (TN) removal efficiency were studied in the paper at low DO concentration iii a pilot-scale A/O nitrogen removal plant treating domestic wastewater. 摘要应用A/O中试装置处理实际生活污水,研究了低DO浓度下系统对有机物、氨氮和总氮的去除效果。
- For anti-static and dust removal measures in dangerous environment of explosive / flammable gases existing. 为防静电除尘措施在危险的环境中存在的爆炸性/易燃气体。
- Its dedusting and energy-saving is of great importance,and its dust removal by ventilation is always a main mode. 高炉出铁场作为炼铁厂主要污染源,其除尘节能工作非常重要,通风除尘是高炉除尘的主要方式。
- Wet-type boiler-flue gas deaner is an ideal equipment with pretty high efficiency of dust removal and deculphurization. 温式烟气净化器是一种理想、高效的除尘脱硫装置。