- dumpling with meat fillings 红油烧卖
- He likes eating the dumplings with meat and chives. 他喜欢吃用肉和韭菜做馅的饺子。
- In China, we like dumplings with meat or vegetables. 译文:在中国,我们喜欢肉或者蔬菜馅的饺子。
- My mother likes moon cake with meat. 妈妈喜欢吃带有肉馅的月饼。
- B: We have pretty good Spaghetti with meat balls. 我们有很好吃的义大利面加肉丸子。
- breaded eggplant "boxes" with meat filling 炸茄盒
- canned silver carp with meat filling 荷包鲢鱼罐头
- I'd like a very large dumpling with some chicken and onion on it. 我想要一个鸡肉和洋葱馅的大饺子。
- I made a stew with meat and vegetables. 我用肉和蔬菜炖了一道菜。
- Flour kneads the dough of packet of dumpling with water. 面粉用水揉成包饺子的面团。
- Seals provide people with meat and fat. 海豹给人们提供肉和脂肪。
- In Korea, pasta filled with meat is called @mandu. 在韩国,有一种夹肉的面饼叫mandu。
- The shop supplies people with meat, eggs and milk. 那家商店供应肉、蛋、奶。
- He's out of love with meat at present. 目前他不喜欢吃肉。
- Do you feed these animals with meat? 你是用肉来喂养这些动物吗?
- A ball-shaped dumpling with a whorl-like pattern on the top, stuffed with a variety of fillings, including pork and vegetables, steamed by small bamboo food steamer. 小笼包是一种圆球形,顶部有螺旋式花纹的中国饺子类食品,包子馅由猪肉、蔬菜等各种食材做成,放在竹制小蒸笼内蒸熟后食用。
- Lovely with meat dishes and sipped on its own. 宜和各种肉类相配,也可与好友共享。
- I ate ten shaomei with meat stuffing for lunch. 我午饭吃了十个肉馅的烧卖。
- Some people like the zongzi with meat in it. 还有人喜欢包肉馅的粽子。
- The smell of the rotten meat filled her with disgust. 腐肉的味道使她感到恶心。