- Famous dubbing actor from Nanan, Fujian. 著名配音演员。
- Cherish Your Life--An interview with the couple Zhang Wei and Liao Jing, renowned dubbing actor and actress 珍爱生命--访著名配音演员张伟、廖菁夫妇
- The famous actor now lives in seclusion. 那位著名的演员现在过着隐居生活。
- His wish to be an actor has come true. 他想当演员的愿望实现了。
- He won a lasting place in the actor's Hall of Fame. 他在演剧界享有无可动摇的地位。
- The star of the film is a previously unknown actor. 这部电影里的明星以前是个默默无闻的演员。
- The actor coast ed to stardom on his father's name. 那位男演员靠父亲的名誉一帆风顺地成了明星。
- The young actor pretended to be Hamlet. 那个年轻演员扮演哈姆雷特。
- That actor enunciates very well. 那演员发音很清晰。
- An actor have to learn to laugh off bad review. 演员需学会能对贬斥性评论一笑置之的本事。
- He is a successful character actor. 他是一个成功的性格演员。
- She's taken up with an unemployed actor. 她跟一个失业的男演员混得很熟了。
- If an actor forget his word, he have to improvise. 演员要是忘记台词,那就只好即兴现编。
- The actor picked up his cue with effect. 演员对他所得到的提示迅速地作出了反应,效果良好。
- The actor was in bad with the audience. 这位演员不受观众的欢迎。
- The actor's words were roared down by applause. 掌声淹没了这位演员的话。
- The famous actor appeared under a false name. 那个著名的演员曾用假名演出。
- A good actor can express every gradation of feeling from joy to grief. 一名好演员能够表现出由快乐至痛苦的每一阶段的感情变化。
- An actor has to learn to laugh off bad reviews. 演员须学会能对贬斥性评论一笑置之的本事。
- The next time he brings his noisy friends to the dub we'll have them put out. 倘若他再把那些吵吵闹闹的朋友带到俱乐部来,我就叫人把他们撵走。