- dual water cooling 双水内冷
- I blew in order to keep the water cool. 我吹气为了使水凉下来。
- Let the water cool before you drink it. 把开水晾一晾再喝。
- Conclusion:Dual water bag packing in the anterior post nares is a simple ... 结论:双管水囊前后鼻孔填塞法操作简便,止血速度快,可作首选止血法。
- For example, I inhaled air and circulating water cooling tower. 例如空气吸入口及循环水冷却塔等。
- Equipped with water cooling fitting, easy connection. 配备水冷焊枪接头,方便接线。
- The weld bead are forced to take shape by water cooling. 焊缝强迫水冷一次成形。
- Lampdimming coolingmethod a ventilates cooling and water cooling. 灯管增热办法有透风增热和水增热。
- The TCCA disin fection technique will have wide prospect in the dual water supply engineering. 采用的TCCA消毒法在管道分质供水工程具有广泛应用前景。
- Disinfection technique of TCCA applied to dual water supply ha s been investigated. 对三氯异氰尿酸(TCCA)消毒法在管道分质供水中的应用进行了研究。
- The dual water model considered the conductivity of shaly sand as a parallel connection result of conductive free water and clay water in pores. 双水模型把泥质砂岩的导电性看成是孔隙中粘土附近的粘土水和距粘土表面较远的自由水2种导电成份的并联结果。
- Suitable to water cooling systems of various machinery and facilities, e. G. 适用于各种机械及场房设备之水冷式冷却系统。
- Water cooling circuits provide rapid, and directional solidification. 水冷循环提供迅速定向凝固。
- Presents two common heat recovery methods for water cooling chillers. 介绍了两种常见的水冷冷水机组热回收方式。
- Objective:To evaluate and compare the curative effects between gauze roll packing and dual water bag packing of the anterior post nares in arresting epistaxis. 目的:比较前后鼻孔纱球填塞法与双管水囊前后鼻孔填塞法治疗严重鼻出血的疗效。
- The hot water cooled off gradually. 热水慢慢冷却了。
- Don't forget to chug-a -lug at the water cooler! 所以不要忘记了在饮水机旁一饮而尽。
- Water cooled warm water, fast cooling and energy saving. 温水采水冷式冷却,冷却速度快又省电。
- Recovery of Over-Flowing Water from the Cold Water Tank of a 50 MW Dually Water Cooled Generator 50 MW双水内冷发电机组冷水箱的溢水回收