- dual moral hazard 双边道德风险
- Moral Hazard, testing and future BSE safety? 道德风险,检测和未来BSE安全?
- But inherent in this approach is considerable moral hazard. 不过此举可能会产生道德风险。
- This support can carry some so-called moral hazard risks. 这些援助可以使那些所谓的道德冒险者去冒险。
- Some people claim the problem of moral hazard is exaggerated. 一些人声称,道德风险的问题有些言过其实。
- It creates moral hazard: such a visible safety net encourages risky behaviour. 它引发了道德风险:即这样一个表露无遗的安全网助长了冒险行为的发生。
- Asymmetry information will cause adverse selection and moral hazard, at last, it will lead invalidation of market. 信息不对称的存在会引起逆向选择和道德风险的问题,最终导致市场失效。
- Moral hazard Irresponsible conduct by the insured which is likely to increase the possibility of loss. 道德危害指投保人有可能使损失增加的不负责任的行为。
- There is a concern that deposit insurance may give rise to increased moral hazard. 有意见认为存款保险可能会增加道德风险。
- The scheme has been designed both to be cost-effective and to reduce the risk of moral hazard. 计划的设计既具成本效益,同时又能减低道德风险。
- Transaction cost and moral hazard occurred in the regional innovation system of resource-based cities are studied. 研究了资源型城市区域创新系统中的交易费用和道德风险,提出了整合内部创新资源和利用外部创新资源构建资源型城市区域创新系统的对策。
- Less than a week before, its governor, Mervyn King, had said such moves risked stoking “moral hazard”. 其实直到不满一周前,金恩(英格兰银行行长)还表示说,这种行为会带来“道德风险”.
- In nature, the risk of moral hazard is different from obvious acts of moral turpitude and blatant acts of lawlessness. 从性质上看,道德风险与明显的道德败坏行为、赤裸裸的违法乱纪行为是有区别的。
- The moral hazard problem in this article is measured by the care level of injurer. 本文中道德风险主要是通过致害人的看护水平来衡量。
- Socio-political environment in many Asian countries fostered the growth of moral hazard. 在许多亚洲国家,政治制度与社会环境对道德风险的增长,均有关系。
- Unlike the pure moral hazard models, we assume that individual entrepreneurial abilities also affect team output. 与纯道德风险问题不同,我们设想企业中的个人能力也会影响团队的产出。
- The board and extensive Chinese traditional culture can relieve the anomie of present value and moral hazard. 中国传统文化博大精深,它有助于缓解目前的价值失范、道德危机。
- The art is to be ready to intervene without creating a moral hazard that unwise lenders will be painlessly rescued. 这项工作的技巧在于,愿意出手干预,但不产生让非理智贷款者得到无痛救赎的道德风险。
- Just that, the moral hazard in the fulfilling technical contract can be controlled validly. 只有这样,技术合同履行中的道德风险才能得到有效的控制和防范。
- Insurance companies are exposed to a moral hazard if the insured party is not honest. 如果被保险人不诚实,保险公司会遭受道德风险。