- full flow filter 满流过滤器,全流式滤清器
- The hawkers are in full flow ("Hey, boss, DVDs? 沿街叫卖者川流不息(“嗨,老板,要不要DVD碟?
- I interrupted him while he was in full flow,ie talking away strongly. 他正在高谈阔论,我打断了他的话。
- I interrupted him while he was in full flow, ie talking away strongly. 他正在高谈阔论,我打断了他的话。
- DO NOTuse valves that may cause excessive restriction to water flow. Use full flow ball or gate valves only. 不要采用可能对水流造成过大障碍的阀门。只选用全通道球阀或闸阀。
- DO NOT use valves that may cause excessive restriction to water flow. Use full flow ball or gate valves only. 不要采用可能对水流造成过大障碍的阀门。只选用全通道球阀或闸阀。
- "Ali is a fantastic player and a great cueist - when he's in full flow I love watching him," he said. “阿里是位优秀的球手和伟大的台球家,我很喜欢看到他全神贯注的样子,“莫非这样说到。
- Based on the principle of full flow extinction, this paper excogitated a pocketable opacity smokemeter. 基于全流消光原理,本文研究开发了一种便携消光式烟度仪。
- If you have not installed low flow taps, turn the tap to low flow when washing your hands rather than full flow to avoid wastage. 若没安装低流量水头,洗手时尽量把流量调细,避免浪费食水,不用水时马上扭紧水头。
- Due to the outstanding shear rate control of the MCR series it is possible to measure a full flow curve with just one revolution of the excentrically rotating sphere. 由于MCR系列精湛的剪切应力控制,只需一个非同心的旋转球体即可测量一个完整的曲线。
- In wedge gate valve, the wedge must have positioning guides on its sides to keep it in line while closing under full flow condition. 在楔形闸阀中,楔形闸阀必须在其侧面有位置引导器以确保其在大流量情况下闭合时,还在一条直线上。
- Where required, the piping installation shall include valves for isolation, bypass capable of full flow manual control, and drain and vent valves. 管道的安装应按照要求包括隔离阀和旁通阀,用于控制全流量手动控制调节阀、排液阀和排气阀。
- When he is in full flow, he reminds me of a heron." Gianni Mottana commented: "He doesn’t touch the ball.He brushes it.He even seems to float over the ground when he runs. 即使在这么小的年纪,里维拉也显得与众不同,甚至于一些意大利最德高望重的足球记者已经开始编构这个优雅少年的美好将来了。
- The road opened out into a dual carriageway. 这条路已扩展成了复式车行道。
- Shortly afterwards Andriy Shevchenko turned to lift an effort just over the top and Chelsea were now in full flow, taking encouragement from their opponents' failings. 随后不久,安德烈.;舍甫琴科的努力换来的攻门高出横梁,切尔西开始大举进攻,对手的弱点鼓励了他们。
- Application of cross flow filter 错流过滤机应用研究
- As usual, Tom was in full flow. 汤姆如常地口若悬河。
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。
- His dual role as a composer and a conductor made him very busy. 他作曲家和指挥家的双重身份使他非常繁忙。