- dry granulated slag 干法粒渣
- The annual output of water granulated slag produced from ferromanganese blastfurnace in xiangtan manganese mine is 0.2Mt. 湘潭锰矿的锰铁高炉水渣年产量约20万t,属碱性高炉水渣,具有较高的活性。
- In order to improve working condition, based on water granulated slag's looseness an automatic slag removal machine is developed to clean slag runner instead of manual work. 为改善现场工作环境,利用水渣的松散性,研制了自动清渣机代替人工进行挖渣清沟。
- The technology of making dry granulated products by air-flow spraying was summed up. 总结了用于造粒和干燥操作能同时完成的气流喷雾造粒干燥技术。
- Han Jianjun and Zhao Xiujian, 2001, Preparation of glass ceramic based on granulated slag and cullet, J. Wuhan Univ. Technol. Mater. Sci. Edition, 16(4) 31-35. SCI 收录526FB、EI收录. 韩建军,赵修建,程金树,2001,热处理制度对增钙水渣微晶玻璃的影响,武汉理工大学学报,23(9)10-13.
- water granulated slag operation zone 水渣作业区
- Thus,dry granulation technology has attracted more and more attention. 为此,分析了熔渣显热回收的基本问题和技术难点;
- wind - quenched granulated slag grit 风碎粒化钢渣砂
- granulated slag containing high-calcium oxide 增钙液态渣
- Study is made of Ga recovery process from ISP or fuming furnace granulation slag. 对鼓风炉(SP法)烟化炉水淬渣中回收镓的工艺进行了研究。
- This machine is used for mixing of dry granulate material in pharmaceutical, foodstuff, chemical and other industries. 本机用于制药、食品、化工及其它工业上的干物料粉粒混合之用。
- This machine is used for mixing of dry granulate material in pharmaceutical, food... 品牌: 德章 .;产品描述: 概述(General description): 本机用于制药、食品、化工及其它工业上的干物料粉粒混合之用。
- XRP2 hydraulic granulator is dry granulator in producing large particle wall and floor tile in ceramic industry. XRY2液压式造粒机是建陶行业在生产大颗粒墙地砖过程的干法造粒设备。
- The durability of applying ground granulated slag in concrete 掺矿粉混凝土耐久性研究
- Ready mixed concrete of ground granulated slag in precast members 矿渣微细粉商品混凝土在蒸养预制构件中的应用
- The mixer is suitable for the mixing of dry granule materials for pharmaceutical, ch-emical industries, etc, especially for the mixing of materials with high tonnage. 本机适用于制药、工、品等行业,特别适用于各种大吨位物料的混合。
- Analysis of Blast Furnace Slag Quenching Dry Granulation Process 高炉渣急冷干式粒化处理工艺分析
- Grond Granulated Blast Furnace Slag. 粒化高炉。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- Treatment of Copper Smelter Wastewater with Water Granulated Slag as Adsorbent 水淬渣作吸附剂处理含铜冶炼工业废水的研究