- He got a lot of dope from the secretary. 他从秘书那里获得许多内部消息。
- He has a lot of clout with the board of directors. 他对董事会有很大的影响力。
- He has got a lot of mileage out of the shoes. 他已将那双鞋穿够了本钱。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 旧井干枯以后被人用砖堵上了。
- The road is only negotiable in the dry season. 这条道只有在旱季才能通行。
- And the mid- size car have a lot more legroom. 而且中型车的腿部伸展空间较为宽敞。
- Ida was choking with the dry air. 空气干燥,艾达感到喘不过气来。
- Back in Nigeria we used to play a lot of tennis. 我们以前在尼日利亚经常打网球。
- His failures did his reputation a lot of harm. 他屡次失败使他的声誉受到很大损害。
- A lot of people in shipbuilding will get the axe. 造船业的很多人将被解雇。
- The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun. 湿衣服在太阳下很快就会干的。
- It takes a lot of money to buy a house. 买一所房子要花一大笔钱。
- A good hot summer could dry the ground out. 一个炎热的夏天可以将大地干透。
- It takes a lot of labor to build a railway. 修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。
- I had kept my matches dry and soon struck a light. 我没让我的火柴受潮,我一擦就擦着了。
- The flood did a lot of damage to the crops. 洪水毁坏了大量农作物。
- The clothes will soon dry up in the wind. 这衣服经风一吹很快就会干的。
- She tried to buy time by doing a lot of talk. 她企图以滔滔不绝的谈话来拖延时间。
- The doctor asked the drinker to dry out. 医生要那个酒徒戒掉酒瘾。